Thursday, March 12, 2009

She has seen the light....

"I am ashamed that I voted for Obama, at the time it seemed as though he was the better choice. But now that he has taken office it seems that there is no Change comming (sic) our way. Well except that we are taking on more and more debt. I think that even though I was not a Palin fan I should have voted for McCain. It would have made me feel better even if he didn't win. Now I just feel like I voted for a good public speaker without a plan."


"Why is that the media is not pointing out many of the failed promises Obama has made? Why is the media not appalled at the excessive spending policies? Why are they not questioning his leadership in regard to this?

"I voted for Obama because I really thought he would change things. I gave him to much credit for being new. Now I'm kicking myself in the rear for not going for the tried and true fighter that McCain is. Maybe I didn't agree with all of his policies but for the most part he did what he said he'd do and has fought very hard for what he believed to be in the best interest of those he served."
