Sunday, October 19, 2008

Obama: This Battle Is Not Over!

"Today, people are caught up with the fervor of a charismatic leader in Obama who tried to emulate Preachers in the Black tradition. But his followers don’t understand that he has no idea where he is headed or what he’ll do once he gets there. You see, it is all about power and control and the lack of accountability for the responsibility. And, in the hands of the inexperienced and uncaring, that is a deadly combination."


"What do you suppose Obama will do as the President? How would you like to wake up and hear that the TV and radio and all forms of communication had been taken over by our government and that all of those American government agencies that have names like alphabet soup have been taken over by the Obama Administration and shut down. And, in their place there would be an imposed, nationally closed Communal Party? And, all of the people who would need to be helped would first have to pledge their allegiance to Obama. So overwhelming would be the power placed into the hands of a man who cannot even be entrusted with his own character much less with the protection and defense of an entire nation that it must not be granted.

"Don’t scoff. We are dealing with an inexperienced young man in Obama. He has street smarts and book knowledge, but he has an aversion to the truth, either hearing it or telling it. He does not seem to understand how much he will be the pawn and the puppet in the hands of those same community organizations he helped to develop and train. And he lacks the will and the strength to hold them back as a force to be reckoned with. What’s more, we must not forget that with the help of another possible term for Rep. Nancy Pelosi and Sen. Harry Reid and all of their leftist new democratic socialist party, they will be able to succeed in having this entire nation placed in the same dismal shape of our economy and banks. And, they will maintain deniability for any downfall, if any." (It's Bush's fault.)