Sunday, October 19, 2008


"For forty years there has been unfettered immigration (legal and illegal) into the United States. The social costs and detriment to U.S. culture has been enormous. Today there is great media play on the illegal 'immigrants' who have come to America and opened businesses, became “successful” and raised children. There has been no mention of the vast majority who have bankrupted hospitals, knocked-up underage girls, joined gangs, killed others while driving drunk, formed drug cartels, smuggled other aliens and drugs across the border, and generally wrecked havoc in American society. For the first time in American history you can go for emergency medical treatment and have to wait behind a line of illegal aliens receiving treatment for free. For the first time in the history of the USA, our prisons have 30% illegal aliens."

and a sobering thought:

"The Bolshevik revolution was brought about by less than 1% of the population while 99% of the people stood by and watched. What are you doing? Will you sit by and watch while we turn into a huge global 'International Park'?"