"They found George Hussein Onyango Obama, living in Huruma, a slum on the outskirts of Nairobi Kenya. Huruma is a lawless area and would make the south side of Chicago look like a peaceful sanctuary. The youngest of the Obama clan lives in a 6 by 9 foot corrugated metal shack. An open sewer runs down the middle of the dirt street in front of his house but George said, 'I've pretty much had a good life. I think I've lived OK.' George was embarrassed by the Vanity Fair article, but his lifestyle is a far cry from his brother's opulent lifestyle.
"Barack has met his youngest half brother a couple of times and even mentioned him in his autobiography, so it isn't like Barack doesn't know about his half brother. Barack parrots the passage from Mathew when he wants to embarrass the U.S. but he seems to ignore the passage when it comes to caring for his siblings. If someone like George wasn't the intended subject of the passage in Mathew - who was? Who does Obama think should take care of the least of his brothers? Obama's answer is someone else - namely you."