Sunday, October 5, 2008
How To Get Praise And How To Get Attacked As A Muckraking Reporter
"On the one hand - if a local newspaper does an extensive expose regarding how a particular section of the Black community have had more complaints about police brutality, "predatory lending", or on the job injuries - such a report is likely to receive praise from the so called "Civil Rights" community as well as peer awards in journalism. This person will be said to be 'giving voice to the voiceless" and looking out for the "best interests of the Black community.'
"If that same reporter focused on 'Black victims' but keyed in on the fact that they had been killed, assaulted or robbed by a fellow Black person - as this is the most frequent modality of such attacks; if they focused on the property loss that had occurred from home burglaries as the people were at work - noting that Black people were the offenders who were doing the stealing; if they focused the high number of Black mortgage brokers who had doctored up the paper work of those who took out what turned out to be 'predatory loans' - this same journalist would not receive any of the same invitations or awards for such advocacy of the 'Black victim.'"
"If that same reporter focused on 'Black victims' but keyed in on the fact that they had been killed, assaulted or robbed by a fellow Black person - as this is the most frequent modality of such attacks; if they focused on the property loss that had occurred from home burglaries as the people were at work - noting that Black people were the offenders who were doing the stealing; if they focused the high number of Black mortgage brokers who had doctored up the paper work of those who took out what turned out to be 'predatory loans' - this same journalist would not receive any of the same invitations or awards for such advocacy of the 'Black victim.'"