Thursday, April 16, 2009

Again, loving those comments

"regarding Obama's 'tax break' for the middle class and economic recovery: it's not working.

"again, everyone knows 70% of our economy is driven by consumer spending, i.e. houses, cars, etc.

"I voted for Obama and have great respect and hope for him, but I'm sorry, an extra $30 in your paycheck every two weeks is useless in terms of getting the economy moving again.

"this 'savings' is eaten up by increases in gas taxes, etc. it's gone. (He's awake.)

"the middle class MUST have a much larger tax break, reduction in payroll deductions for medicare, sales tax holidays, etc., IF Obama is serious.

"throwing trillions at AIG and the banksters, while giving us pennies indicates he is not serious about fixing the problem."

-- "Superpole"

Superpole is super intelligent.  If I were president, he would be on my economic team.

He said "while giving us pennies."  Well. Obama did promise "change."