Thursday, April 16, 2009

Keep the Comments Coming In!

Fox new's decided to cover these event's and give them fair creedence rather than paint these folk's as anti-government and un-patriotic like the leftist outlet's have done. Also Fox has pundit's that parlay to the right just like CNN and MSNBC has those who parlay to the left.The difference is you actually get a counterpoint on Fox where you get mostly none from the other network's.

"I was at a protest in Richmond, Va. yesterday and I can tell you that as much blame was put on Republican's for this fiasco as Democrat's. One speaker wrapped up by saying Throw them out !! Throw them all out !! and the crowd reacted in kind.

"One Republican running for AG was passing out campaign flier's and was frowned upon for pandering and quickly left.

"With that said, did you attend one yesterday ? Or does Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow or Air America tell you what to think? Also are you totally convinced that all of these folk's were conservatives, because I spoke personally with several folk's who identified themselves as liberal's who were sick and tired also.One African American gentlemen was holding a sign that said I Now Know What Buyer's Remorse Is, Sorry Guy's Won't Happen Again. Another African American gentleman had a sign that said Don't Blame Me I voted For The Chic.

"I think what's stuck in your craw the most is the fact that half of America ain't rollin' over for your lord and savior. We had to hear for eight year's how dissent was patriotic even when our very flag was being burned. Now these same bozo's are saying we are un-patriotic right wing extremist's just because we don't support their guy.

Please spare me any moral equivocation you may have.