Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama the Pitchfork Operator: A Remake of the Soviet Classic

"Community organizers were instrumental in forcing banks to give subprime loans to unqualified minority borrowers by using the 'pitchforks' tactics — protesting in front of the banks, camping on the lawns of the bankers’ family houses, intimidating families, and suing in courts. After the bankers were sufficiently roughed up, a community organizer would show up at their office to 'negotiate' the bank’s surrender in the form of bad loans and money for community organizations that pay community organizers for their 'services.'”

Is that not called racketeering?


"Once a community organizer gains control of the media and the government, the next logical step is to turn the entire nation into a mob and set them against businesses, while offering the latter government 'protection.' The subsequent takeover of the economy leaves the future society reduced to the two basic elements: an authoritarian government and a compliant mob. This may be an ideal arrangement for a community organizer, but it’s a direct opposite of what the Founding Fathers had intended.

"Most Americans will probably associate this trend with the protection racket that was rampant in Chicago in the 1930s. It follows the same pattern: the mob, in conjunction with the unions, would organize strikes and protests, do physical damage, and intimidate business owners. Then a mob representative would meet with the owner and offer 'protection' by saying 'I’m the only thing between you and the pitchforks.'”