Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Pentagon official blames U.S. for al-Qaida attacks Worked for George Soros, argued for government control of media

"Last week, FoxNews.com highlighted Brook's departing column in which she argued for more 'direct government support for public media" and government licensing of the news.

"Wrote Brooks: 'Years of foolish policies have left us with a choice: We can bail out journalism, using tax dollars and granting licenses in ways that encourage robust and independent reporting and commentary, or we can watch, wringing our hands, as more and more top journalists are laid off.'

"In response, L. Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, countered, 'The day that the government gets involved in the news media you see the end of the democratic process, because an independent news media is absolutely essential to the success of a democracy.'"