Saturday, October 25, 2008

Will Obama Supporters Spread the Wealth?

Rev. Wayne Perryman
October 25, 2008
One of Obama’s primary campaign themes is to give tax relief to the middle class while taxing the rich so that we can spread the wealth. This is a very noble endeavor and similar to a work that I started as a teenager to feed the poor during the holiday season. Since millions of Obama followers share his concern for the less fortunate and middle class, I suggest the following:
Before we turn this concept into law, let the Obama supporters voluntarily put this concept into practice. I would recommend that all millionaire entertainers, athletes, business owners, and liberal millionaires in Congress who supports Obama’s share the wealth concept start by giving away at least 80% of their wealth to those in the inner-city, in the Appalachian region, and the poor in the rural areas of the South. In addition to using this money to build free medical clinics, new homes and new businesses in those communities, I will assist by getting a list of the poor from churches in these communities so we can distribute some of this money directly to poor families.
For all the churches that are supporting “the share the wealth” concept, as a minister of the gospel I will help each church establish a fund where 50% of the church’s total income will go to the poor in their communities. And if there are any poor that remains after this voluntary effort from our liberal millionaires and churches, we will tax the remaining rich who refuses to give voluntarily. To those that believe in Obama and his share the wealth concept - they will have no problem donating their wealth for this most worthy cause.
Obama should also start a matching gift fund to share the wealth. He should require that everyone who attended one of his $5,000 a plate fund raising dinners or his $20,000 per person events, must donate that same amount to a fund to help the poor and middle class. He has a list of all those donors, so we should have no problem tracking who they were.
Regarding the Other Countries that Support Obama
Obama should require that every country that support his candidacy, show their support by returning the Foreign Aid that American taxpayers have paid to them during the past 50 years, so that we can strengthen America through Obama’s sharing the wealth program. We know these countries love Obama and that they have our best interest in mind and will jump at the opportunity to be part of his share the wealth program. He should ask them to also remove any tariffs on our imported products and that they no longer accept jobs that American companies have shipped overseas so our people will have more jobs. Additionally, as part of the share the wealth program we ask each country that benefited from the wars that we fought on their behalf, to pay America $5,000 for every American soldier that gave their lives to secure and protect their country. The money will be used to share the wealth in America. I know that the Obama millionaires and the foreign citizens of other countries that support his candidacy will line up to participate in this wonderful worthwhile program.

Have you noticed that Warren Buffet, George Soros or the fact that none of the millionaire Obama supporters who believe in speading the wealth, have returned the tax cut checks that Bush sent out nor have anyone seen them visiting and voluntarily giving their wealth to the inner-cities across America or to the poor in the rural south areas or those in the Appalachain region.

Rev. Wayne Perryman
P.O. Box 256
Mercer Island, WA 98040
(206) 860-6880