Saturday, October 25, 2008

Barack O-holy-bama, I have been saved!

Hosanna heysanna sanna sanna ho....

"Since Obama has never denied his deistic status, I'll assume he's going along for the ride. There's no way of knowing if Jesus was any good as a speaker (at least without a TelePrompter), but I can overlook any of Obama's oratory shortcomings in light of his message of 'change.' I'm not quite sure what those changes are – beyond distributing our wealth and guaranteeing free health care and housing and maybe a chicken in every pot (tofu if you're a vegan) – but I'm certain I'll find out soon enough. I'm sure whatever Lord Obama (Dread Lord of the Democrats -- Ed.) has in mind will simplify my life and make it flow freely. And with less hassle too. Something like how the inhabitants of Planet Camazotz lived their lives in freedom and independence under the benign rule of IT (see Madeline L'Engle's 'A Wrinkle in Time').

(Sanna heysanna hosanna....)

"As is proper for a deity, Obama's origins are shrouded in mystery. We don't know his country of birth, his academic credentials, his religious affiliation, or his relationship with people of wildly hateful speech, actions and mindset. Phew. Who wants to clutter up a Messiah's prophecy by knowing from whence he came?

"I dare not question Obama's messianic status, or I too might become a victim of media assassination (like Joe the Plumber) or Secret Service investigation (like Jessica Hughes). Apparently the most efficient method of establishing the credentials of the Messiah is to beat the holy crap out of any critics. This sends the message to the rest of the world that awkward and unvetted questions are bad, evil and sinful. And if the Messiah blurts out an inconvenient truth, such as telling Joe the Plumber that his modest and hard-earned wealth will be'spread around,' then the angels … er, the media, hastily covers up the mistake by assassinating Joe. Clever."

Sanna hosanna hey Superstar!