Sunday, October 12, 2008

ACORN and Obama (from disgruntled ex-Obama supporter on Obama-Biden Community Blogs)


By K from Portland, OR - Oct 9th, 2008 at 3:11 am EDT
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"There is so much talk within this campaign, by Biden, Obama and supporters, about the lies and comments coming from the McCain campaign regarding Ayres and Acorn. I have investigated both topics, and at this point have been unable to identify any lies out of the McCain camp. Indeed, there is a great deal of information tying Obama to Ayres, and to the corrupt company Acorn. Today the FBI announced raids on many Acorn offices - within Obama's target states. Since Obama has paid that company $800,000 to hire Acorn to register people in these same states, what are we to think about the connection between Obama and Acorn? What are we to think about the 'increases' in registration, when Directors of Elections in various states, and the FBI report hundreds of thousands false forms having been filed by Acorn (and they have been shown on the news).

"We now have the problem of questioning 1) voter registration and actual voting in these states; 2) Obama's responses to criticism. And if we have to question all of that, then how can we take at face value anything this ticket says?"

Someone is awake.

Ref Nothing there? That is the point!

"Thou shalt not diss Obama."