Monday, April 20, 2009

Who in the Hell is OUR President?

"Spending this weekend doing Obama’s 90 day review. He is my employee, after all. A month ago or so - in fairness to him - I urged a preliminary review using my kindergarten report card. He was just a new president - it seemed a 'kinder, gentler' way to review his nascent efforts.

"I am done being nice. Done. I woke up this morning to see our - OUR? - president shaking hands and hamming it up with Hugo Chavez, America’s most vocal critic on this side of the Atlantic. This is the same man, who in recent years in speeches to leaders of other sworn enemies of our country has spoken gleefully, in fact - prayerfully - for America’s demise. Yep, Chavez is worthy of a little Obama chest bump. (And no, Janeane, that’s not racist - even overweight white guys like me will occasionally chest bump, too.) I know . . . I know - it will be said that the president was just being polite and cordial with Senor Chavez. It’s funny how that same sense of decorum and protocol didn’t scare the president’s recent encounters with Prime Minister Brown and President Sarkozy.

"Anyway, I digress - back to his 90 day review.

"Let’s see - how has our President done in handling our economy? Well, he’s managed to bloat the federal bureaucracy to a size never before seen in our republic’s history, to triple our country’s annual budget deficit and to burden my children’s grandchildren with such vast amounts of debt that it is distinctly possible that the American way of life, as we have known it, is but a mere dream to them. In the meantime, we have seen no significant improvement in our economy - hundreds of thousands of people are losing their jobs each month.

"And, the scary thing is - Obama is just getting started. Cap & Trade will raise the cost of energy for all American families by thousands of dollars per year, but we will get the privilege of saying that we are producing less CO2, while the Chinese, Indians and the Russians produce as much as they want. I thought it was global warming - maybe, our president will make wind stop.

"And, if the president doesn’t kill off long-term economic growth with America’s growing piles of debt, then we can look forward to any increases in our personal incomes being taxed away to support ever-growing entitlement programs for those who seemingly have had difficulty capitalizing communizing in our new green economy. From each according to their ability to pay and labor to each according to their need. Is it really any wonder that our president finds so much to smile about with Daniel Ortega?

"As to foreign policy, the president has been nothing short of an abject failure. Now, I know . . . he went on his Apology Tour of Europe and everyone loved him. Why? Because from the moment he landed in London until he left Baghdad, the American president did nothing but prostrate America before one foreign leader after another - literally bowing to the Saudi King, while his press spokesman excused it as simply searching for a hand to shake. What?

"Home for a week, lift travel restrictions with communist Cuba, and then off to Latin America to play buddy, buddy with socialist Chavez and stand mute during a nearly hour long tongue lashing from communist Ortega. Hard to think of Reagan at Reykjavik and Obama at Trinidad in the same breath, isn’t it?"