Monday, April 20, 2009

Tale of Two Bows

Still love those comments!:

"I am sure glad I wasn't so dumb as to vote for Obama. People who voted for him are sure the laughing stock of society now. All over my city they are being made fun of that they fell for the 'hope' message. Well, he didn't fool me."

"First he bowed, then he lied. Obama sounds good, but so far all we really have is more war, more debt, more corporate welfare, and we still have torture, wiretapping and the patriot act. Plus more taxes, and no help from Europe or the UN. Now think about his campaign. Just continuing Bush Policies for the Empire. But I guess as long as Demotard is office no one will complain about this anymore. Those who voted for this clown got played. Obama is pathetic."

"Dont worry guys there are just as many BLINDLY optimistic Obama supporters as there ever were Bush supporters. The sad thing is they are going to get us in even deeper trouble than those (censored)did.I think its hysterical how they will ignore shit from Obama they would have been screaming over if Bush and his cronies had done. Like spending more in 3 months on pork barrel projects than the last a-hole did in 8 years on everything including this absurdly expensive war."

"This man is an absolute disgrace ! To think we have to put up with him for 3 and a half more years makes me sick, and scared for my country."

"I thought Obama was the chosen one, if so, should'nt they be bowing to him."

"In May 2009 Obama plans to speak publicly about immigration reform, to begin discussing possible legislation for as early as this fall. His plan is to make legal status possible for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. Obama wants illegals to keep their jobs, when millions of jobless Americans could have their jobs. Face it people, Obama is not a president for the American people. Change? That's all you will have in your pockets when Obama gets through with you."

"1. I voted for Obama
2. I wish I never did
3. It's to early for any of his decisions to have an affect
4. His stimulus package sucks. Example he is giving amtrak all this money! Why?!? They have not turned a profit in 30 years!!! Even when the economy was at a increase..
5. His foreign policies make us look weak."