Monday, April 20, 2009

And more comments

I hope you're right, but will it make a difference? This is one of the disappointing decisions Obama has made.

"Shame on anyone--especially the President of the United States--who chooses to give immunity to government officials who violated American and international law. For the President to say that we don't want to "dwell on the past" is to ignore the very conduct that Americans rejected (and led directly to his election, accomplished--in part--by his implying that he would treat criminality as criminality, i.e., by prosecuting it). That the President and Holder say that prosecution of operatives who relied upon (outrageously incorrect) legal opinions would be inappropriate is evocative of 'I was only following orders,' which the Allies repudiated at Nuremberg. If we stand for anything, we are supposed to stand for the rule of law. Shame on President Obama for 'Watergating' waterboarding...shame on our country for committing war crimes and ignoring them. Where is the 'Change We Can Believe In'?"