Thursday, April 9, 2009

What Now? I Thought We Were Going to See Change?

Love those comments:

"Well, well, well. Just a few weeks into our 'new' government of 'change', and it looks like it’s business as usual in Washington DC.

"CNN (among others) is reporting that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner (AKA Mr. Bean) 'asked' Sen. Chris Dodd (D) to include an executive pay provision in El Supremo Obama’s stimulus bill, opening a loophole that allowed bailed-out insurance giant American International Group to pay out $165 million in bonuses.

"Sen. Dodd (Dem. chairman of the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs) admitted he'd sneaked in the controversial provision after a 'Treasury official' pushed for it. In keeping with the highest of Washington ethics, earlier in the week Dodd had said he had not played any role in the addition of the loophole.

"IMO Two things will now happen…

"1. Much rhetoric, speech, belly-aching, accusations, and passing of gas will emanate from the Halls of Government about how Mr. Bean should quit, or be fired for allowing the thieves at AIG to profit from their crimes, and because he has damaged his credibility beyond repair. There will be calls from our “leaders” demanding that Obama should fire Bean if he does not quit.
Of course, that will not happen because in keeping with more long standing Washington traditions an excuse will be made for him by the guy/gal(s) who hired him…Obama, and gang.

"2. Sen. Dodd (D), being a senator and thus no credibility in the first place, will go on with his career, serving the American citizen, and suckling at the Public Teat, in spite of being a liar. He will be defended vigorously by his peers.

"Yep, tradition is alive and well in Washington,DC. Friends helping friends.

"So much for the forces of change, and the audacity of hope."

"Don't you see it, we got our change, all the names are different and they are worse than the former group, thats the 'change'

"All we have to wait for now is the 'hope' and I 'hope' they all get voted out ASAP."

"middleview, you're retarded right? So, when you post stuff, do you wear a bike helmet at the computer? Like when you're walking? What's it like riding that short bus to school? I've allways wanted to know."