Thursday, April 9, 2009

Hey Geithner, Get Your Grubby Hands Off The Venture Capital Industry

"The venture capital industry is up in arms about U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner’s plans to include venture firms in his plan to increase regulatory oversight over private investment vehicles of all stripes. In a strongly worded op-ed today, the Wall Street Journal lays out the argument against lumping in venture capital with hedge funds and the whole Madoff crew on Wall Street that got us into this economic pickle in the first place."

Love the comments:

"Exactly. No complaining if you voted for Obama. We tried to warn you this kind of thing would happen."

"White House control over other private industries is good but get your hands off my industry?I always wondered why folks in the business world supported Obama. Now maybe it is going to bit them in the butt."

"I voted for Obama and, for the most part, still strongly support him. But he’s decided to adopt Bush’s economic strategy and it’s now obvious that neither trickle-down nor trickle-up economics works. The best market regulator is the threat of failure; none of this nonsense — no-doc loans, option ARM’s, credit-card loan balances to 90 year-olds with no income — would have happened if GSE’s and the large banks were sure we’d have let them end up like Lehman." (Where is the change???)

"Funny how a guy who doesn’t pay his own taxes wishes more regulation on others."

"I hate how we are born into countries where we are forced to conform to rules and laws that are already in place. I feel like humans are similar to sheep, with a small ruling class, the rest of us suffer and pay taxes. The world is so corrupt, the law makers do not have to obey the same laws that they make, money buys you out of problems, and for the most part society suffers."

"even better than that, the government continues to make it more and more difficult to make money."

"Thanks to TC for pointing out this information. As more and more of our economy and businesses are being controlled by Washington, can regulation of our personal affairs be far behind? Recall the words of Alexis de Tocqueville in 1848: 'La democratie etend la sphere de l’independance individuelle, le socialisme la resserre. La democratie donne toute sa valeur possible a chaque homme, le socialism fait de chaque homme un agent, un instrument, un chiffre. La democratie et le socialisme ne se tienne que par un mot, l’egalite; mais remarquez la difference: la democratie veut l’egalite dans la liberte, et le socialisme veut l’egalite dans la gene et dans la servitude.'”

"First they came for the Jews
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for the Bankers
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Banker.
Then they came for the Manufacturers
and I did not speak out
because I was not a Manufacturer.
Then they came for me
and there was no one left
to speak out for me.
-Insert your name here"

"Obama and his central planners will fix everything and make sure no one makes too much money and that everything is distributed fairly. Him and his surrogates are far more intellectual and rational then us and as such they deserve the right to make decisions on our behalf, and to spend our money because they can do it far better than we can."

"AGREED! You keep the CHANGE i’ll keep my MONEY!"