Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama administration begins the end of private enterprise?

"It is looking more and more like the Executive and Legislative branches are pushing We-the-People harder each and every day toward civil war or revolution. If we decide to continue sitting on our hands — Obama will smile. If we decide to revolt, via HR 645 the military base internment camps (inaptly named 'emergency centers') are already in place and more are being built, Obama will continue to smile. Why? Because, he has the ability to declare Martial Law. The military has, also, recently been trained in putting down domestic insurrection and going house to house to check for insurgents — that's you and me.

"No folks, these are no longer conspiratorial theory rantings. They are factual. One way or another the storm is coming and it's the biggest in this country's history. I only pray I will be ready. How about you? May God be with us and the USA."