Friday, October 17, 2008

Incredibly shocking and revealing report on Michelle Obama from African Press International

I am Barack Obama. You can verify that by clicking on my name at the top of this message and see that it goes to my official web site.

The telephone call was a fake. That was not Michelle Obama, it was an actress who tried out for Saturday Night Live as a Michelle Obama impersonator. She is bitter because Tina Fey was selected instead. SNL thought that Sarah Palin would be much more of a joke than Michelle Obama. This failed actress vowed to show the world how good an impersonator she can be, and this hoax telephone call was the result.

(Saturday Night Live did not believe in Affirmative Action? -- Ed.)

A telephone call is just an anonymous voice. You can trust this message is from me because it bears my name.

("And while we are on the subject of me..." -- Ed.)

Phillip Berg is playing into my hands by distracting all of the McCain supporters who are spending time hunting for nonexistent proof that I was born in Kenya instead of helping McCain's campaign. With a few easy delaying tactics I can ignore the court case, concentrate on winning the election, then produce my Hawaii birth certificate any time after November 5.

If you aren't supporting me, please put as much energy and time as you can into ranting on the Internet about how Barack Obama is not really a native born US citizen. I don't mind. I will still work for you as I will work for all Americans as your President for the next eight years.

"I'm asking you to believe"

Barack Obama

Senator Obama, I wish I can get a job the way you are trying to be president. I would go to a job interview and tell the employer "I'm asking you to believe." He or she would say "I'm asking you to leave."

By the way, it would have been clever to claim that an impersonator made the call if Michelle really did make the call. That would be a great way to clean up after her mess.