Friday, October 17, 2008
Part Two: My Counter-Attack On A Pro-Obama Christian
"Dick, you closed your rant with the statement that you are a 'fiscal conservative.' Since you're obviously not voting for McCain, you must be voting third party, because as a fiscal conservative, you of course recognize Obama's tax policy as a wealth redistribution plan. He plans to provide a 'tax cut' to 95% of Americans - yet fails to acknowledge that 30% of Americans do not pay taxes. That means that millions of non-tax paying Americans will receive a 'tax credit' or 'refundable' (ludicrously labeled since they pay no taxes to begin with) - which will be paid from the higher taxes collected from that nasty, evil 5% (like the Thiess Family). Obama also fails to admit that millions of small businesses make over $250k/year and will be footing the bill on this massive transfer of wealth. Small business owners like my husband Andy. But I guess the more taxes we pay, the more patriotic we are, right? Who knew?"