Friday, October 17, 2008

Targeted For Destruction: Black Republicans in the Age Of Obama

"The reason for my intense interest is because I come from an inter-racial family. My younger brother, a black man, is constantly barraged by black people who tell him 'how he should think' because of his color. "


"Know your history, people! How can you have so-called 'racial pride' when you don't even know your own recent history?

"Black people have been sold a pack of lies by the party of welfare - the Democrats. Welfare enslaves. You think welfare (and affirmative action) are merely hand-outs for the 'disadvantaged'. Think again, proud black people! It's a hand on your head keeping you down. It binds you to a world of need, poverty, and class warfare. And deep-down shame, that in the free-est nation on earth you can't make it on your own.

"Shame on you for pulling down James T. Harris, a black man who has broken free from that mindset - just like MLK. And shame on you for wallowing in it still. You've done nothing with the precious civil rights MLK and the Republicans fought for - except to demand more handouts, and worship those who give them to you.

"You don't even see that the Democrats have to keep you in need, for their own political power. You can't even see that the hate preached by Jeremiah Wright and black demogagues like him is meant to keep you bitter and apart from your own national community. Black people segregate themselves and angrily justify it by hating their own nation. A nation where the sky is the limit - where black leaders like James T. Harris, Michael Steele, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Condi Rice, JC Watts, etc., can scale the towers of power."


"And that is deserving of racial pride - not selling out to more and more socialism - taking from the haves and giving to the have-nots. Obama is promising you things that should make you feel ashamed, not proud. He is catering to your self-inposed victimhood."

Actually I disagree. Obama is not promising blacks, in particular, ANYTHING.


"Identity politics is cheap and for those who won't think for themselves. So 95% of black people will vote for Obama, despite the fact that he's a radical socialist? Pathetic. Never mind that socialism is the death knell of a free nation. Oh no - that doesn't matter to you as long as he's the right color."