Friday, October 17, 2008


"Michael Savage in his book The Savage Nation said some leftists don’t understand that they are the battering ram against the moral underpinnings of America. They don’t understand that they will be among the first to go when our self-appointed liberators (from capitalism) take over. There will be no 'rights groups' of any kind tolerated in a future New World Order, for, just as under Brother Stalin, Elder Adolf, and Uncle Mao, all 'rights' will be decided for us. If you think you have any special 'rights,' you will be eliminated as an enemy of the people or at least committed to re-education camps. The same goes for the 'femanists,' terrorist apologists, the cougar-cuddlers, the race-baiters, and the other leg-crossers on the evening news, says Savage.

"A Howard Stern audio clip of someone from his staff interviewing people in Harlem on October 1 has been making the rounds. With the exception of one voting for McCain, nearly all were voting for Obama. I suspect Stern was selective of the three he thought the best. (Of course he was -- Ed.) I notice Devvy Kidd has the clip on her article, you might want to close your ears for the first few seconds because Stern uses foul language. For those who have friends without computers or Internet access, following is a synopsis that you might like to print out for them.

"In the opening, the interviewer said, 'Some people speculate that blacks are voting for Obama simply because he’s black and not because of his policies so we took McCain’s policies and pretended they were Obama’s.'

"The first was a man. He was voting for Obama because he didn’t think McCain knew what he was doing. He agreed with Obama’s pro-life position and he agreed with Obama that the troops should stay in Iraq to finish the job. (Remember, these are all McCain’s positions) and he would have no problem with Sarah Palin being Obama’s Vice President.

"The second was also a man who is voting for Obama because he doesn’t agree with McCain’s policies. Although he didn’t have a clue about stem cell research, he’s OK with Obama’s anti-stem cell position and he didn’t mind Sarah Palin being Obama’s Vice President if he wins.

"The third was a woman who is voting for Obama because 'McCain doesn’t sound like he has enough (I think she meant brains but switched gears) – like he’s uneducated because when both presidents (are) speaking, McCain didn’t sound like he knew what he was talking about so much whereas Obama had facts and information when he was speaking.' She supports Obama because she likes his pro-life position and because he wants to keep troops in Iraq to finish the job and she says 'Yup,' she’s glad Obama selected Sarah Palin to be his Vice President running mate.”


"Huntley Brown, a concert pianist, man of God and black, writes 'Why I Can’t Vote for Obama.' He lists many reasons and adds: In the past when the Lord brought someone with the beliefs of Obama to lead a nation, it meant one thing – judgment. Then he refers to I Samuel 8 with emphasis on v. 18: When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the king you have chosen, and the Lord will not answer you."