Thursday, April 30, 2009

Janeane Garofalo: Spokes-idiot for the far left

"Ms. Garofalo applied this accusation of scrotolingus to people who attended the April 15 anti-spending tea parties. Since I was present at one of these in the city in which I reside, does this make me a scrotum-sucking, racist redneck as well? I won't dignify the first half of the accusation with an answer, but since I am black, how do I qualify as a racist redneck?

"The answers to these questions are somewhat self-evident, if this hasn't occurred to you by now. The purulent lexicon of the corpulent Miz G and her vacuous comrades is replete with more relational invective for people like me. As for the rest of the tea party attendees – which included Americans of every ethnic background – I imagine that, given sufficient time, she would have gotten around to applying more specific slurs to them.

"Certainly, it is well within this woman's rights to speak her mind despite being appallingly ignorant and ill-bred. It then becomes the civic duty of one such as myself to call attention to these defects – more especially because, as an entertainer, she is given immediate and unequivocal credibility by the establishment press.

"It is likely that part of what gave Ms. Garofalo perceived license to use that sort of language came from CNN's openly gay anchor, Anderson Cooper, having done so a week before. That incident, in addition to being equally foul and torpedoing what vestiges of credibility his network then possessed, was moronic on its face. It was somewhat like me accusing someone of being 'a commentary-writing, public speaking thus-and-such' by way of insulting them. Honestly: Who is more likely to engage in 'tea bagging' anyway – Anderson Cooper or the average tea party-goer?

"These occurrences are, as many will tell you, a prime example of projection on the part of the far left: They accuse their opposition of being racists, haters, homophobes, xenophobic and so forth, yet they are the ones who are most often demonstrably so. I would wager – given the makeup of the people at the tea parties – that most would have either been amused or horrified by Garofalo's tirade. Those amused would have expected it. Others would have been horrified that such a crude little creature would be given a forum at all.

"All of this is leaving aside the fact that Garofalo's diatribe – like Cooper's commentary – was abject stupidity: She maintained that those attending the tea parties were anti-Obama racists, when nothing could be further from the truth. Speakers the nation over iterated time and again that Obama was not the issue; many called former President Bush to task for the same offenses being committed by the Obama administration. The caliber of the crowd was uniformly middle class. Yet, this woman saw fit to run her meaty mouth in the vein of rednecks, racism and Obama, Obama, Obama. She had no premise.

"To many of us, it's no surprise that the likes of Garofalo have, like poorly-raised junior high-schoolers, descended into the faddish, giggling potty language of the gay subculture. So much the better for them (in their quest to debase America) if such speech comes into common use.

"What really needs to be taken away from this is a lesson the far left has learned well: Nuggets such as these need to be glommed onto and hammered home without mercy. They might well prove to be invaluable in the effort toward educating those Americans who don't know what they're supporting when they throw in with far left politicians, or when they pay heed to the mouthings of dullards like Garofalo simply because they're entertainers.

"Keeping our fellow Americans informed when our government, our schools, the press and our entertainment industry are dedicated to propaganda and disinformation is probably the hardest job that conscientious, morally grounded Americans will have in the years ahead. It is no longer an option, however – it is an imperative."

Thought-policing in Middle America

"Certain Democratic preachers on the Missouri side of the state line, including Kansas City's congressman, the Rev. Emanuel Cleaver, have been engaging in flagrant political shenanigans for a generation without a paragraph of scrutiny from Thomas or the Star.

"Despite the lack of evidence, Johnston took a beating from the Thomas articles. To defend himself, he was forced to hire attorneys and even a public relations firm."

The 100-day assault on America

"Did the president, after campaigning against pork and earmarks, really sign bills that include both? Yes. Will the president's new budget really triple and quadruple the annual deficit? Yes. Will the president's budget really double the national debt within a few years and then increase still more beyond that? Yes. Do the president and members of Congress, many of whom never operated so much as a T-shirt concession booth, really believe that they can 'modernize' health care, thus 'saving' taxpayers buckets of money? Yes."


"Obama offered North Korea a kinder, gentler foreign policy. What did he get in return? The North Koreans, in violation of a United Nations resolution, attempted to launch a long-range missile. The president condemned the act. The United Nations Security Council convened an emergency session. What happened? Nothing. Well, not exactly nothing. North Korea kicked out the U.N.'s nuclear inspectors and announced the resumption of its nuclear weapons program. And North Korea, along with Iran, arrested and imprisoned American journalists.

"On the other hand, Washingtonian magazine graced us with a spiffy, Photoshopped cover of a fit and toned swimsuit-wearing President Obama. So all is not lost."

Was Matthew Shepard just a robbery victim? 20/20 investigation says 1998 murder not an anti-homosexual 'hate crime'

"Shepard, according to the findings of the court, was kidnapped and brutally beaten by Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson after he made a sexual advance at one of the two men at a bar. According to McKinney's then-girlfriend, both men pretended to be homosexual in order to lure Shepard outside and rob him.

"Shepard was later found brutally beaten, robbed and tied to a fence. He died five days later of massive head injuries.

"Shepard's death and the trials of McKinney and Henderson galvanized homosexuals and their supporters across the country, fueling the call for state and federal 'hate-crime' legislation. Conservative Christians were singled out as having created a 'climate of anti-gay hate' where such a brutal act could happen."

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Obama sows seeds of demise

"So if voters differ so fundamentally with the president on the very essence of his program, why do they accord him high ratings? They are like the recently married bride who took her vows 100 days ago. It would be a disaster for her life if she decides that she really doesn’t like her husband. But she keeps noticing things about him that she can’t stand. It will be a while before she walks out the door or even comes to terms with her own doubts, but it is probably inevitable that she will.

For Americans to conclude that they disapprove of their president in the midst of an earth-shaking crisis is very difficult. But as Obama’s daily line moves from 'I inherited this mess' to 'There are faint signs of light,' the clock starts ticking. If there is no recovery for the next six months — and I don’t think there will be — Obama will inevitably become part of the problem, not part of the solution.

"And then will come his heavy lifting. He has yet to raise taxes, regiment healthcare or provide amnesty for illegal immigrants. He hasn’t closed down the car companies he now runs and he has not yet forced a 50 percent hike in utility bills with his cap-and-trade legislation. These are all the goodies he has in store for us all.

"Obama’s very activism these days arrogates to himself the blame for the success or failure of his policies. Their outcome will determine his outcome, and there is no way it will be positive.


• You can’t borrow as much as he will need to without raising interest rates that hurt the economy;

• The massive amount of spending will trigger runaway inflation once the economy starts to recover;

• His overhaul of the tax code (still in the planning phases) and his intervention in corporate management will create such business uncertainty that nobody will invest in anything until they see the lay of the land;

• His bank program is designed to help banks, but not to catalyze consumer lending. And his proposal for securitization of consumer loans won’t work and is just what got us into this situation.

"So Mr. Obama should enjoy his poll numbers while he may."

Notes from a lapsed Democrat

"Obama has also proven himself to be a liar of such proportions that if he had started out life like Pinocchio, his nose by this time would stretch from sea to shining sea. He has fibbed about everything from barely knowing Bill Ayers to never listening to a Jeremiah Wright screed, from banishing pork and lobbyists to providing transparency and change we can all believe in. On top of all that, while spouting the usual political piffle about economizing and saving the environment, he hosted the largest, most expensive inauguration in history, and from the way he and his posse jet around on the fuel-guzzling Air Force One, you'd think he was a rock star.

"All of that would be no more or less than business as usual, Washington style, if he weren't also working overtime to simultaneously bankrupt the country and turn America into a socialist state patterned after Castro's Cuba.

"The scariest part of all this is that so many Americans continue to root him on. Those of us who are opposed to his agenda are accused, like Rush Limbaugh, of hoping America fails. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth. What we're hoping for is that America can somehow survive this frontal assault on our freedoms, and that our economic system can remain basically intact in spite of the combined efforts of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Dodd and Geithner to destroy it.

"When I hear people in and out of the media who should get down on their knees and thank God or at least their ancestors that they were lucky enough to be born in America, instead parrot left-wing insults about this country, I want to slap them silly. I sometimes wonder if those folks who, in the 1950s, nattered incessantly about the Communist-inspired fluoride conspiracy were right. Perhaps there was something in the water that turned so many brains to mush. I mean, why else would so many of my fellow Jews be so utterly convinced that Barack Obama is the messiah we've been waiting for?

"For what it's worth, now that the president has fired CEO Rick Wagoner and taken over General Motors, do you suppose it will henceforth be called Commander in Chief Motors, and that Cadillac, Buick and Chevrolet

will be re-named Michelle, Natasha and Malia Ann? Which reminds me, it's still nothing but a rumor that Obama fired God earlier today, claiming that the universe isn't big enough for both of them."

How laws have replaced civility

"During the 1940s, my family lived in North Philadelphia's Richard Allen housing project. Many families didn't lock doors until late at night, if ever. No one ever thought of installing bars on their windows. Hot, humid summer nights found many people sleeping outside on balconies or lawn chairs. Starting in the '60s and '70s, doing the same in some neighborhoods would have been tantamount to committing suicide. Keep in mind that the 1940s and '50s were a time of gross racial discrimination, high black poverty and few opportunities compared to today. The fact that black neighborhoods were far more civilized at that time should give pause to the excuses of today that blames today's pathology on poverty and discrimination.

"Policemen and laws can never replace customs, traditions and moral values as a means for regulating human behavior. At best, the police and criminal justice system are the last desperate line of defense for a civilized society. Our increased reliance on laws to regulate behavior is a measure of how uncivilized we've become."

Miss California is right

"Since when did denying what you think simply to appease others to get what you want become a celebrated virtue? Homosexual activists constantly promote tolerance and 'being true to yourself' – except when you oppose their views. That is hypocrisy, and it has some dangerous ramifications.

"The fact is that in a few years, Miss California's words could not only cost her a beauty pageant title but could place her behind bars. Congress is again considering a bill to make it a federal 'hate crime' to commit certain acts because of the victim's 'gender identity' or 'sexual orientation.' Although Democrats have tried to assure the public that mere speech would not be impinged under such 'thought crimes,' just last week on April 23, Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, D-Texas, let it slip that the 'hate crimes' bill was designed to 'protect those potential victims who may be the recipients of hateful words or hateful acts.'

"At the same time, Perez Hilton's venomous response to Miss California's statement has really done us a favor: It has shown us that liberals and homosexual activists will not rest until America accepts their redefinition of marriage as the next step in our cultural 'evolution.' It has also emphasized their harbored belief that any who refuse to toe that politically correct line deserve hatred, discrimination and perhaps prison.

"Liberal judges and radical homosexuals alike want everybody else to think and do as they say, even as they call 'evil good, and good evil' (Isaiah 5:20). They protect freedom of expression for their opinions only, and they are prepared to bully, judge or jail any dissenters.

"If you are not yet concerned, then you are not paying attention."

100 days of death

"On Jan. 20, 2009, Barack Obama began his death march as the most anti-life president in U.S. history."

Obama Gets a 'D' on State Secrets from Democratic Senator

"President Obama is receiving a "D" for his handling of state secrets in a 'rule of law' report card prepared by fellow Democrat Russ Feingold, a Wisconsin senator who heads a subcommittee on the Constitution."

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Obama's 100 Days in Foreign Policy: Triumph of the Personal

"The question is whether the President's personal popularity abroad is translating into concrete results for the United States. So far it has not. There has been no outpouring of foreign support for U.S. priorities and initiatives. Moreover, on almost every issue, he has raised expectations of great change in U.S. policy but then pulled back when it became apparent that he could not meet his promises. His trips have largely been gestures focused more on his person than on policy, and the jury is still out as to whether this is merely a conceit carried over from the presidential campaign or an intentional strategy to redefine the nature of American leadership.

"The problem with promoting the person of the President as a stand-in for U.S. interests is that it leaves America vulnerable to the priorities of others. It is not all that difficult to get applause from foreign audiences when you embrace their priorities and criticize your own country. The hard part of leadership is getting others to follow when they are reluctant to do so. Except for some minor instances--or when Obama simply embraced already existing policies of foreign governments--he has gotten precious little for his efforts.

"That is the main lesson from the first 100 days: It is time for President Obama to begin focusing on the hard work of protecting America and asserting U.S. leadership, not by trying to enhance his personal popularity abroad, but by cashing in on that popularity for the benefit of his country. He should stop pretending that our interests always coincide with others--as if America were merely the chairman of the board of international consensus--and start discerning more astutely when they do and when they do not. He is the President of all Americans, and he should start acting that way."

Obama Continuing Bush’s Anti-Small Business Policies

"President Barack Obama has outraged small business owners across the country by continuing Bush Administration policies that divert federal small business contracts to Fortune 500 firms."

Sunday, April 26, 2009


"The so-called 'anti-war' groups that popped up before the Iraq War were never anti-war. Many of their founders and leaders cheered on BJ Clinton’s wars in the Balkans and in Haiti. They were not completely anti-American or merely 'on the other side' as some conservative and neo-libertarian bloggers accused them either. The 'anti-war' movement was simply a rallying point for leftists and Democrat party hacks who needed to gain traction against a popular (at the time) President Bush. They needed to sow doubt about the Iraq War (the mismanagement of the war by the Bush administration helped as well) in order to have a wedge issue against President Bush. Naturally, they rooted for more American deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq and for American objectives to go unfulfilled, at least while Bush was president.

"Now their Messiah has been elected and he wants to expand the Afghan War, possibly into Pakistan. What’s a leftist posing a peace activist supposed to do. Well, what all good leftists do, follow their leader, in this case the Messiah. He wants to send 17,000 more Americans into Afghanistan to bring democracy, destroy the Taliban, and put in chicken in every Afghan pot. He has not defined what 'victory' is in Afghanistan, nor does he have a plan, short of nuclear war, to combat the Talibanization of Pakistan. If George W. Bush planned this, the so-called peace activists would have been the ones having Tea Parties on April 15.

"Aren’t the so-called 'peace activists' being just a tad bit hypocritical now that their Messiah is in the Oval Office and wants his little war?

(Let me jump in here. As a former antiwar organizer myself who protested both George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, I can say with authority that these poseurs are very HYPOCRITICAL. That is me at the podium in the above photo at an antiwar event in 1990. -- Robert)

"Finally, I just want to point out, I do not intend to attack sincere opponents of US foreign policy and interventionism, like Justin Raitmando. I disagree with some of Justin’s positions and lot of his rhetoric. However I can respect Justin and most paleoconservatives and paleolibertarians as principled noninterventionists who oppose most if not all US military campaigns over the past two decades and longer.

"It is the unprincipled hacks on the left who adopt the phony cause of 'anti-war' when they’re out of power that need to be condemned."

A Real President, Does That Exist Anymore?: Republican Vs. Democrat Seems Like a Wasted Argument at This Point

"'I am writing in response to the lady that wrote about our President Obama. In her words. We voted him in. And she thinks the people voted a boy into the White House to do a man's job? Well, he is doing a very good job. She should think of the two presidents in before President Obama. No. 1 Bush and No. 2 Bush got us in this mess, and now we have a real president in office.'--Virginia Shisler Springfield, Missouri

"What is real when it comes to President? I guess if you like the idea that he reads his words off a teleprompter, panders to third-world dictators and terrorists, makes moves to take over large sections of the American economy, and continues to trample the Constitution with illegal wire taps and is pushing to make his government immune from law suits from wiretapping, then you obviously have a warped view of the Presidency.

"Shisler brings up the Bush’s, who many claimed were power hungry and to be frank with you George H.W. Bush’s ‘New World Order’ speech still upsets me. I am amazed at how many people are blinded by the fact that the new boss is looking a lot like the old boss and then some. George W. Bush looks like he set up the fast track for Obama branded socialism, communism, fascism or whatever you want to call it, Bush set it up for Obama to move on it. Whatever it is, one thing is for sure, it doesn’t seem like it’s Republican versus Democrat anymore in this country, and that may be the divide they put up to keep each other against each other. It’s about the vision of our forefathers against the radical agenda of whatever Obama believes or whoever pulls Obama’s strings. It’s hard to believe that puppeteer has changed seeing Obama’s administration is about meaningless pathos to cover up his continuance of Bush ideas he was once against.

"We need to stop thinking about Republican vs. Democrat and start looking it this as do you want to keep your freedom and liberties or do you want the government to consume them. It’s hard for me to believe at this time, the more that I look at it, that there is one man with a few associates called cabinet members that is leading this nation. Why do I say this? Because Obama was strongly opposed to Bush policies like wiretapping and the war on terror. Obama has reversed his stand on both of these and has increased both. Ms. Shisler, are you really that blind that you can’t see how Obama has betrayed your support?

"Is there such a thing as a real president anymore? Obama is obviously a product of Wall Street. He is bought and paid for by people like Jeffrey Immelt, who will benefit greatly from the government’s push towards alternative energy. Obama is bought and paid for by a strong centralized world banking organization. Look at what happened under Bush’s watch to weaken the banks, and look at how the government has bullied themselves upon the banks. I wanted to believe against these things, but the more I see how W set this up and Obama has continued the more I think I would be fool to deny it.

"For most of my adult life, I have fought the notion that the office of the presidency was free from this type of control, but anymore I wonder. We are losing our freedoms to something that I fear is much greater than the office of the Presidency. I used to laugh at Ron Paul. Now I read what he has warned about in the past, and I see he sent a clear warning. I read what Barry Goldwater wrote nearly forty years ago, and I know now he warned us of what was coming.

"In a world full radical Islamic terrorists and third-world dictators who wish to destroy our way of life, it is average Americans who are becoming the enemy in our country. If you are critical of the government and capable of independent thought, you are dangerous to whatever it is our government has been sacrificed for. Laws like Posse Comitatus has been revoked to allow federal troops to police us. Ms. Shisler, you better realize the demagogue you support provides very little difference from those who have come before him since January 20, 1989. You may want to wake up and realize the danger your narrow-minded view poses to all of us."

Wayne Root: ‘Why Obama Now Has Big Business Trained like the New White House Puppy Bo!’

"Obama now controls freedom of the press. It has been widely reported that NBC CEO Jeffrey Zucker called a dinner for top CNBC executives and asked his on-air anchors and hosts to tone down their criticism of Obama. Worse, on MSNBC (also owned by GE and NBC), a radical leftist Hollywood celebrity (is there any other kind?) Janeane Garofalo (read "Garbageflow" -- Robert) slandered Tax Day Tea Party protestors by calling them all 'white racist rednecks… who hate a black man (Obama) and don’t understand a thing about taxes or the Boston Tea Party.' In other words everyone at those Tea Parties (including me) is ignorant and hates Obama only because he is black. The MSNBC host interviewing her (Keith Olbermann) said nothing. Not a word of protest, debate, or disagreement. Can you imagine a fiscal conservative capitalist going on NBC or CNBC or MSNBC and calling Obama a racist who hates wealthy white businessmen, and not being viciously attacked, denounced and hounded into an apology or clarification by the host?

"Yet anti-tax protestors can be slandered as racists with nary a word of disagreement by hosts at networks owned by GE- who happens to get billion dollar bailouts from Obama. Why? Because Obama now has GE (the parent company of NBC) squeezed by the private parts. The CEO is Obama’s personal pet. Forget those wonderful images of the new White House puppy Bo. If the media was honest, they’d show Obama taking GE CEO Jefrrey Immelt and NBC CEO Zucker for a walk on the White House lawn."

Democrats Distancing Themselves From Murtha

"A few months ago, the FBI raided the offices of the PMA group, founded by a Murtha aide, and one of the Pork King's favorite Lobbying firm. What they found out is that Murtha and his buddies at PMA Group operated their own little Earmark Factory. A recent report, the FBI may be zeroing in on the relationship between Murtha and PMA. But that hasn't slowed the Pork King down. He posted on his site a list of $134 Million Dollars of earmarks that he is requesting, $20 Million of it to clients of PMA, the very firm that is being investigated.

"This is making the Democrats a bit nervous. Among the defense projects being cut from the budget are many championed by Murtha."

Obama On, “Putting Children First”

"I sometimes wonder why there is not more outrage within the Black and Hispanic communities at Barack Obama for his betrayal of these two ethnic groups who voted overwhelmingly for him. I would think that this is an issue that would be of real importance to both those communities, as well as the American community as a whole. Maybe they are still under the influence of the Obama Cool Aid … and still chanting …..

"The simple truth is that this Hope and Change president has destroyed the chances of a good education for minority children in high risk areas like Washington, D.C. Barack Obama’s administration has ended the Hope for Washington, D.C. area children who were able to attend private schools, some on the verge of graduating. The Change is that they will now be back in the failed public school system.

"Some of these fortunate children who had recieved vouchers were even able to attend the Sidwell Friends School, a D.C. area private school where Obama sends his own children. Form his campaing speeches, one might have thought Obama would break the mold … step up … and maybe even lead by example by enrolling his children into the same public schools he is now condemning these children to … since those vouchers, which allowed some families to make up the difference and send their children to this $29000 per year private school, are now history.

"When Obama signed that Omnibus Spending Bill several weeks back, he put into effect legislation that had been included by several congressional democrats that will effectively end the school voucher program, and consign almost 2000 mainly Black and Hispanic school children back to the failed, violent, and poorly-performing D.C. public schools. He has, in effect, ended one of the rare federal programs which has actually achieved some success."

Obama Follows Bush Policy on Detainee Access to Courts

"The Obama administration yesterday appealed a judge's decision granting three detainees at a U.S. military prison in Afghanistan the right to challenge their detention in U.S. courts, arguing partly that compliance would inhibit the future capture of Pakistani citizens for detention by U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

"The appeal makes clear that, despite the ruling this month by U.S. District Judge John D. Bates, the Obama administration for now wants to stick with a policy set by President George W. Bush that those incarcerated by U.S. troops in foreign prisons have no U.S. legal rights. But officials said that did not foreclose a change of heart after the completion in July of a comprehensive review of detainee policy."

Like I always said, you could have voted for a Coke machine and gotten better change.

Is Obama's War Strategy a Wise One or a Betrayal?

March 1, 2009

"During the presidential campaign red and white anti-war signs dotted the countryside. In some towns, they lined the streets.

"The initial impetus for Barack Obama's candidacy came from the anti-war movement and his promise to bring the troops home.

"At first, Obama argued that U.S. involvement in the war would end quickly after he became president. As the campaign wore on that urgency migrated to getting the troops out in 16 months.

"On Friday, President Obama finally made it official. United States troops will be out of Iraq by the end of 2011 - the timetable worked out with the Iraqi government under former President George Bush.

"But what of the 16-month timetable?

The newest version of the Obama plan - on its face - has the United States withdrawing combat troops in 19 months. However, his plan calls for leaving upward of 50,000 of the current 142,000 troops in support positions. This smaller number is carefully being referred to by those in the administration as anything but advisers, a term made politically incorrect by the Vietnam War.

"And what if the war goes badly between now and 19 months down the road?

"According to statements coming out of the White House, it appears all bets could be off for withdrawing United States troops.

"So what did the anti-war movement get with their "agent of change," President Barack Obama?

"Little or nothing, it would appear.

"Obama has, for all practical purposes, signed onto the Bush Doctrine in Iraq.

"But Obama's betrayal doesn't end there.

"Obama isn't really bringing troops home. He is moving the numbers to Afghanistan. For those outside the anti-war movement who may have forgotten, Afghanistan is where Russia lost devastating numbers of its troops. So badly was the Kremlin defeated that the experience has been referred to as Russia's Vietnam.

"So where is the anti-war movement now that it has been betrayed? Will those 'Support Our Troops - End The War' signs remount front yards and line streets again? "

Letter to the President

Dear President Obama,

I am greatly disappointed, hurt and betrayed by you. When I cast my vote for you as the next president of the United States, I legitimately thought I was making the right choice. After following your campaign for almost a year, and even neglecting my girl Hillary, I was confident that you were the only person capable of moving our country in a new direction that would take us out of the dark hole we were in for eight years.

However, it is with great sorrow that I must say that you proved me wrong. Out of all the campaign promises you made, there was one that stuck out to me more than the rest. You said that once you were elected you would acknowledge the atrocities committed upon the Armenian people during the beginning of the 20th century as an act of genocide.

When I heard this statement, I thought I was finally going to have a president who would have my people’s best interest at heart. Unfortunately, on the day of the 94th anniversary of the genocide you disappointed me in a way I never thought you would.

As a first generation Armenian American, I was raised with stories from the genocide and photographic documentation that will stay with me forever. During my 13 years at a private Armenian school, the motivation was fostered in me to always keep fighting so the United States and Turkish governments would one day recognize the horrible acts committed on my people.

It has been 94 years since the beginning of the atrocities and Armenians, myself included, are still carrying on the fight for recognition. As a small nation, more prominent in the Diaspora, it is up to the young generation to make sure our ancestor’s deaths receive the recognition they deserve.

As I am writing this letter to you Mr. President I cannot help but shed a tear. You weren’t just any presidential candidate to me. I felt there was something special about you and that you didn’t possess the characteristics of the heartless politicians that have come through Washington in the past.

It pains me to say this, but I was wrong. When your politically correct statement about the Armenian Genocide was released on Friday, Armenians all over the world were remembering the 1.5 million massacred. Instead of finding the word genocide next to the word Armenian, as you vowed during your campaign, what we found was a broken promise.

Mr. President, you should be ashamed of yourself. You were praised by the people of this country during your campaign as the ultimate agent for hope and on the night of Nov. 4 you were given the opportunity to make good on the promises you made. But ever since you took office in January you haven’t been the president I hoped you would be.

Mr. President, you failed the people of this country by not sticking to your word and acknowledging the actions committed by the Ottoman Empire as genocide. You failed Armenian Americans and Armenians all over the world. Particularly, you failed me. Now you’re just another politician among the rest of the corrupt people in Washington that can’t keep their promises.

Eileen Mansoorian,
Opinion Editor

The Lessons of the Savings-and-Loan Crisis

"The current bank scandal dwarfs the 1980s savings-and-loan crisis -- and could destroy the Obama presidency."

Cara's Commentary & Community Chat, Sat., Apr. 25, 2009

"Alas, I have no confidence that the Obama Administration will treat this problem any differently than previous administrations. After 100 days in power, I can see no change as promised. I can see that the same people operate inside the White House and in the shadows, surrounding whoever is elected President.

"So, until that dynamic is changed, there will be no change with respect to the lack of fairness and the extent of fraud within the financial services and capital market arenas. That’s most unfortunate. It’s also the reason I no longer listen to the grand oratory of the current President, and spend all my time with my head down, doing what I do best, trading options, and making profit. "


"That's why the much-hyped 'federal slapdown' of the credit card was so boring that Economic Advisor Lawrence Summers found time during the Obama "berating of the interest-gougers" to take a nap."

China Shows Who the Real Boss Is at USA Inc.

"With its huge ownership stake in the American economy, China is beginning to extract concessions from a humbled U.S."

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The knock at the door

"I have to laugh at those Republicans who actually saw Obama's choice of Robert Gates as defense secretary as wise. Again, I actually predicted Obama would choose Gates as defense secretary long before he was elected. Gates is indeed a very bright man. He is also the architect of the 'civilian national security force' idea, which suggests to me he is also a very authoritarian man – one who sees few limits to the wonders government can accomplish.

"Authoritarian and totalitarian regimes of the past have created such 'civilian national security forces' to serve their interests – to squelch dissent, to spy on the people, to intimidate and to police.

"They have often been used to bolster party dictatorships and authoritarian cults of personality.
That's the threat that such legislation poses – if not immediately, at some time in the future. Once a bureaucracy like this is created, it can always be changed, amended, its powers expanded and its purpose perverted.

"It is extremely dangerous legislation in any form."

President Pinocchio

"And as his nose and ears grow and reshape, our President Pinnochio is cavorting wildly, unrestrained by Congress, spending and committing trillions of dollars to programs and reckless bailouts. He and his associates appear to have arrived in their Pleasure Island determined not to 'waste a crisis' but to shove universal health care, liberal education policies and virtual socialism into place, utterly without any approval of the American people – and with no regard for who gets hurt or the consequences of the actions.

"Always articulate and reasonable sounding, this young, inexperienced president seems high on his newfound power and unprecedented authority; he can do virtually anything he wants, please the interest groups who elected him and forget about the campaign promises he made to religious groups who believed he was not the most liberal senator – and president – ever elected.

"Though he soothed the apprehensions of Catholics and pro-life people with expressed intentions to enact policies that would greatly reduce abortions, he has already committed hundreds of millions to Planned Parenthood groups worldwide! Not just in our country, but internationally.

"He is forming his own 'Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships' Advisory Council, composed of personal choices like Harry Knox, a militant homosexual activist who, just last month, called Pope Benedict XVI and certain Catholic bishops 'discredited leaders' for opposing same-sex marriage. While giving this council a pious name, he's stacking the 25-member board with like-minded leftists inclined to allocate its funds to liberal, secular causes.

"Though he vowed publicly that, if elected, he would personally veto every 'pork' earmark in federal appropriation bills, the very first one he approved has 10,000 pet projects that will cost $19.6 billion! This in his first year that is projecting a $1.8 trillion deficit! And he has announced a $10 trillion agenda for the next four years! And again, without as much as a nod to the citizens of this democratic republic.

"Carlo Collodi's Pinocchio was a fable. This Pinocchio has somehow become our president. Truth – truly, and perhaps ruinously – is stranger than fiction."

Here she comes, Miss Integrity

"The influence of the Thought Police is nearly universal now, so to have Miss California spewing her hateful truths is not only dangerous, it's subversive. We simply can't have innocent bystanders, like the pageant audience and television viewers, hearing this stuff. It's a good thing Perez Hilton slapped her down before anyone could take her seriously. Perez is right; it's imperative that we shut this woman up and discredit her as strongly as possible before anyone falls for her moral intolerance.

"I am guessing it's driving Mr. Hilton nuts that Miss Prejean is receiving all sorts of favorable media attention from a bunch of dimwit conservative talk-show hosts and bloggers. How dare these people applaud this woman? He's the one responsible for her loss. He should get the attention, not her."

"Evidently Mr. Hilton is clueless that Miss Prejean may have lost the battle, but she sure as heck won the war. And kept her integrity."

Thou shall not lie

"Why is there not a single Republican with the courage and the intellect to call a weekly 5 p.m. press conference in the alcove of the U.S. Capitol and, line by line, precept by precept, lie by lie, state what Obama has promised – transparency, bipartisanship, reasonable policies, truth – versus what Obama has delivered in his first 100 days in office – obstructionism, Saul Alinsky partisanship, Marxist economic policy, genocidal abortion policy and giving away for free our most sensitive interrogation techniques to Osama bin Laden.

"Indeed, Obama is a pathological liar. Every speech, every domestic and foreign policy, every executive order, every economic policy, every political appointee and every future Supreme Court nominee … all LIES!"

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Janeane Garafalo on Racism -- Why She is Way off Base

A black woman on the HUFFINGTON POST sets things straight about Janeane Garafalo:

"She is wrong and she knows nothing about true racism-having never spent a day of her life being black in America. I do know something about racism as I and millions of other people of color have endured and experienced its ugly insidiousness. It is not a word that should be thrown around lightly or recklessly. If we dare not stand in defense of our fellow citizens right to protest peacefully against our/their government then we are giving into a sneaky form of Tyranny. Race has nothing to do with the hardworking, decent American citizens who simply got sick and tired of being overtaxed and outspent by their government and showed up to do something about it."

My point exactly in a previous post.

The following is what I posted on that site because many of the white "progressive," may I say, Garofalo crackers who made pro-Garofalo comments just did not get it.

This is what I had to say there:

"Until you have walked in my black skin, you are completely clueless about racism.

"Over 95% of racism in my life was from WHITE DEMOCRATS and not Republicans. What does that say about you?

"You all sit with Garofalo in the bleacher's nosebleed section, safe and secure, while I was on the field taking the blows. You have the gall to talk about who is racist and who is not. You white Garofalo fans would not trade places with me. You criticize white Republicans and conservatives but just like Garofalo, you also benefit from white privilege and you would not give that up yourselves.

"I have the utmost authority to say who is racist and who is not. You have no authority whatsoever to flippantly call people racist.

"Also you are not highly thought about with black Democrats if you are thought about at all. You are NEVER praised or discussed in black conversation no matter how 'pro-civil rights' you claim to be. The vast majority of Blacks do not even listen to Air America. I have never heard any black person, including the most rabid Republican/Bush haters, say they have heard Air America even once! They would rather listen to Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, people they despise, than listen to you who claim to love blacks so much. We sense your phoniness. Blacks cannot relate to you at all so don't do us any favors with your phony outrage.

"Just sit down and shut up."

Read the Article at HuffingtonPost

100 days and Obama is a man who loves to be loved

"People had expectations for change. You are friendlier with the world on a personal basis than your predecessor.

"However, your actions in office appear to be coinciding too much along the lines your predecessor established.

"There is no 'change'.

“'Hope' is disappearing.

"One of the 'changes' that Americans voted you in for was an end to the 'occupation' of Iraq.

"There is widespread concern about the economy and the billions thrown at the pit of a privileged few and benefiting who?

"All the faces in your administration who had tax problems and were involved in previous administrations are not 'change'.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Still Love Those Comments

"By going along with Secretary Duncan’s plan to hollow out the D.C. voucher program this president, who has spoken so passionately about the importance of education, is playing rank politics with the education of poor children. It is an outrage…" -- Juan Williams


"Unlike Juan, this black man was not ecstatic the night of Obama’s election. Quite the contrary. However, I understand why Juan and others would feel that way. The mere fact that a black man, any black man had assumed the highest office in not only America but the world, would most definitely engender pride and yes, ecstacy in most black people. But after the euphoria comes the reality. And the reality with Obama is that neither race nor ideology nor whatever could match the massive ego of this man. Everything is about him; Barack Hussien Obama. A choice between the rich and powerful NEA and black kids in DC will see Obama coming down squarely on the side of the NEA, everytime! Obama does, and will always do what’s good for Obama. About Juan Williams. This is not the first time he stood up to the so-called black power structure. In his book 'Enough' he shredded Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, The NAACP and most every other race hustler in America. So, to me anyway, this article taking Obama to task and exposing him as the lying little weasel that he is is not a surprise."

"All public officials should be forced to send their children/grandchildren to public schools. Then we will see how quickly they fix our failing schools."

"Education President? You mean the guy that spent $160 million with the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, for no change in test scores? You gotta be kidding! Vouchers let parents control their children’s education–but only Big Brother Barack is wise enough to control education. Winston Smith, report to Room 101, immediately."

"Well better late than never Juan. Now that you are awake why don’t you fully open your eyes, open them, rub out the unicorn dust and see what is really happening. The DC voucher program was killed because it worked - not that it raised test scores - but it got parents involved… yes parents, the real enemy of the union and the administration. For generations the NEA and the Department of Education have worked to take over the role of parenting, and completely demoralize a whole sub-section of society (the poor). Vouchers showed the potential to empowered and change that class in a single generation. A simple program that would have lifted whole families out of poverty, illiteracy, crime and hopelessness. And at no additional cost to tax payers, in fact in a cost outcome it probably saves us all money. The program was killed to preserve the voting class the Democrats depend on - the Dependant class."

"You have to see things the media’s way to understand this. The amount of tax money spent on a project is the sole indicator of its success. What the project actually does, or fails to do, is irrelevant. The other things people might have done with that tax money are invisible. The alternatives to spending tax money range from unthinkable to absurd. What a different view of these government boondoggles the public might have, if news stations were required to display the actual results of a program in an on-screen text box. During the campaign, Obama could have been boasting of how the (Chicago) Annenberg Challenge is the crown jewel of his resume, and a box could have appeared next to him that said '$160 million spent with no improvement in test scores.' Or every appearance by a teacher’s union shill could be accompanied by a bar graph tracking increase in funding for the Department of Education versus the decline in test scores. Advocates of increased welfare benefits could be forced to share the screen with a running tally of how much money was spent on the War on Poverty, with no reduction in poverty. As it stands, a dollar spent on education by private citizens is meaningless, but place it into the hands of the government and it magically changes into thirty highly significant cents, radiant with caring and wisdom."

Best Comment of the Day

"I posted this yesterday. It's worth posting again. The stock market is toast and Obama is engineering a freight train towards national bankruptcy and the demise of the dollar. The outcome was never more certain.

"A warning to the credulous who think this economy has bottomed or is near it.

"1. No nation ever advanced its real economy by creating more units of paper money. Real wealth can only be created by savings and production.

"2. No nation ever advanced its real economy by holding interest rates below their natural market rate. In every case, it launches a credit expansion that continues until the level of debt becomes unsustainable. Then it crashes. In essence, it's one massive Ponzi Scheme.

"3. No nation ever advanced its real economy by deficit spending. Eventually, the debts become unmanageable. That's the path Obama is careening towards.

"4. The GDP is at $14 Trillion and and bonded debt, $11 Trillion. A 1:1 ratio brings the US in line with third world nations.

"5. From the time the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, the cost of gold went from $20 to $900, a 98% depreciation. 2% to go before the dollar is worthless.

"Sorry Obamamaniacs. Jesus hasn't returned in the form of Obama to save you. You're on your own."

Where is Your Savior Now Obamunists?

" In general the points these fans try to make are:

  • Obama will never nationalize banks
  • Obama will never cozy up to brutal dictators or their murderous flunkies
  • The Democrats won’t start a lie-filled campaign to take our guns
  • Obama and the Democrats won’t abandon Israel
  • The economy will turn around under his genius guidance

"Frankly all of this was premised on the messianic image Obama cultivated, so I’d say to all those people in light of recent events: where is your savior now?"

Obama single handedly saves Captain Phillips!!!!

Obama and the "World Hood"

Obama has Violated International Law on Torture

Tempest in a Tea Bag? Not If Mainstream Media and Obama White House Are Against Free Speech

"Never once did the media or the Democrat Party impugn the motives of anti-war-riors. In fact, white supremacist David Duke and much of the out-of-power white-power movement similarly rallied against the Iraq war. But the anti-war movement was not maligned, Napolitano-style, using guilt by association.

"The freak show that was Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink was elevated by the media and elected Democratic officials despite their ties to well-heeled partisans and extremists.

"George Soros took down currencies and countries in his pursuit of even more billions, but the media never called him on it. The radical left was given a pass for isolating the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) and small-money donors (and California Black Christians -- Robert) for public attack after Proposition 8 passed in California.

"Norm and his fellow protesters and armed forces veterans join fellow everyday Americans like Sarah Palin and Joe the Plumber in the Democratic playbook’s strategy of destruction by media. For years, this unholy alliance has gotten away with this and hurt our democracy.

"I’m glad that the Democrat Media Complex took the tax day tea party protest personally. It should have. Its days are numbered.

Obama's Habeas Corpus Hypocrisy

"Now that he is president, Barack Obama has changed his mind, oh not about Gitmo, he is looking forward to welcoming those terrorists onto American Soil. But at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan terrorists sit in a prison without the right of Habeas Corpus. Honestly for America its a good thing they are being held in prison, on the other hand it is just another example of Barack Obama lying to the American People."

L.A. jobless line up for hope, but change not seen

"Deriding the grass-roots movement as 'teabagging,' which is a slang word for a particular sexual practice that seems to be well-known to media commentators, the coverage hit its low point when Keith Olbermann let failed radio host Janeane Garofalo deride tax protesters as ignorant, racist, mentally defective and sexually deviant, charges that would no doubt surprise the many participants at Los Angeles-area demonstrations, who came from all ethnicities, backgrounds and political persuasions.

"Despite the claims of low-rated talk show hosts and other supporters of President Obama, the protesters were correct about runaway spending, as figures show the Obama administration is projected to run the highest budget deficit in history this year -- three times what the Bush administration left the new commander in chief. Also, the government's unemployment numbers, so-called 'U3' figures or 'headline unemployment,' are heavily massaged to paint a rosier picture of joblessness across the land than reality.

"The numbers do not include people who have been unemployed long-term, former workers who have given up looking for jobs in the belief there are none to be had, or people who have been forced to take part-time jobs for lack of full-time work.

"When those classes of people are factored back in, the national unemployment rate is somewhere around 15 percent and climbing, not the 8 percent that gets reported. In Los Angeles, the actual number has been estimated to be closing in on 20 percent.

"As the federal government adds a projected $1.6 trillion to this year's deficit to keep Wall Street dandies in their corner offices, and the state of California is jacking up the sales tax and promoting a raft of new tax hikes and borrowing on the ballot, voters are starting to notice the free-spending ways of their politicians, from their local representatives up to their president.

"Despite a few bones -- like Obama's $25 a week increase in jobless benefits or dollar-a-day payroll tax cut for workers -- tossed to the public, many people are starting to believe that real help is not coming soon. A recent Rasmussen poll found that two-thirds of Americans believe Obama will raise taxes on those making under $250,000 a year, with almost half strongly believing he will do so, and only 18 percent doubting it."

EPA ignores fact that runaway global warming is a no-show

"As Dennis Avery explains at RWN, instead of global warming, the planet is experiencing cooling, yet the Environmental Protection Agency is declaring CO2 a human health hazard in an effort to regulate global warming under the Clean Air Act."

Pentagon official blames U.S. for al-Qaida attacks Worked for George Soros, argued for government control of media

"Last week, highlighted Brook's departing column in which she argued for more 'direct government support for public media" and government licensing of the news.

"Wrote Brooks: 'Years of foolish policies have left us with a choice: We can bail out journalism, using tax dollars and granting licenses in ways that encourage robust and independent reporting and commentary, or we can watch, wringing our hands, as more and more top journalists are laid off.'

"In response, L. Brent Bozell, president of the Media Research Center, countered, 'The day that the government gets involved in the news media you see the end of the democratic process, because an independent news media is absolutely essential to the success of a democracy.'"

Rap Group Public Enemy Warn Of “The Obama Deception”

"The L.A. Times reports that Public Enemy member Professor Griff, who himself appears in the film, 'made repeated references to the “Obama deception,” during the concert in California at which Paul McCartney, Morrissey, the Cure and Leonard Cohen also performed.'"

Tennessee Planned Parenthood Covers Up Rape

"Much like its counterpart in Arizona, Planned Parenthood in Memphis, Tennessee, encourages a girl who says her adult boyfriend knocked her up to lie about it."

A Pleasant Repsonse

"Mr. Oliver, Janeane Garofalo is completely clueless. Her comments are dispicable, but she is cheered in the liberal groups.

"As a white, 50 year old conservative Republican, I am sorry that you have had to endure all that you have suffered at the hands of Democrats/liberals. Everything that they put their hands to, they destroy - they are haters!

"Thank you for your bravery to call her and that disgusting Keith Olbemann out. You are a patriot, sir!"

-- Katie-O

From The “You Must Be Joking” File

"The mother of a teenage alleged pirate held over the hostage-taking of a US sea captain this month has appealed to US President Barack Obama to free him.

"Adar Abdurahman Hassan told the BBC her son, Abde Wale Abdul Kadhir Muse, was innocent and just 16 years old.

"He was held over the seizure off Somalia of Richard Phillips, captain of the Maersk Alabama cargo ship.

"While her son was allegedly negotiating on a US warship, naval snipers shot dead three pirates holding the captain."

The First Puppy’s Inaugural Address

"Bo, the new presidential pooch, confirms that the White House has gone to the dogs."

Do As I Say, Not As I Do

"The subsequent appointments by the president are classic example of Obama saying one thing to large crowds and doing quite another in office. He has named many officials who have had to drop out of consideration or who have had clouds of ethical controversies hanging over their head before they even stepped foot into their new offices.

"Twenty years ago, in early 1989, another new president was making appointments to his cabinet. That president was the first President Bush. The newly elected president nominated Senator John Tower as his secretary of defense. The media went wild over allegations of Tower’s perceived drinking and womanizing. Even Senator Ted Kennedy dared to jump in the fray, voting against Tower along party lines with every other Democrat in the Senate. It was front page news. You could not turn on a radio or TV newscast without hearing the reports.

"Although some of Obama’s appointees have similarly made the front pages of America’s papers — namely Tom Daschle — stories that aggregate the parade of nominees brought down by ethical challenges are stunningly absent from our media sources. The group that you will rarely find mentioned en masse includes:

"— Obama’s first choice for secretary of commerce, New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson, who was forced to withdraw because he is facing a federal investigation involving allegations he pressured officials to award government contracts to campaign contributors.

"— Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner, who admitted he failed to pay more than $40,000 in back taxes and interest.

"— Jon Cannon, nominated to be deputy director of the Environmental Protection Agency, who pulled his name after it was disclosed that EPA auditors had accused a non-profit he had governed as a board member of mismanaging $25 million in taxpayer funds.

"— Chas Freeman, an Obama nominee for chair of the National Intelligence Council, who withdrew for a host of reasons: anti-Israel comments he made, the disclosure that Saudi royals financed Freeman’s think tank, the fact that he served on the board of a Chinese state oil company, numerous extreme comments he made concerning everything from 9-11 to Chinese suppression of dissidents.

"— Attorney General Eric Holder, who recommended and supported President Clinton’s pardon of fugitive financier Marc Rich. Rich was indicted in 1983 on 65 counts of tax evasion and related matters, and his ex-wife had donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to President Clinton.

"— Wall Street lawyer H. Rodgin Cohen, who was forced to withdraw from Obama’s nomination for deputy U.S. treasury secretary. Cohen was named American Lawyer magazine’s Dealmaker of the Year for his role negotiating bank bailouts. The magazine says he was in the room 'when Fannie Mae was nationalized.'

"— Obama’s new choice for chief information officer in the White House, Vivek Kundra, who took leave from his job after the FBI raided his former office where he was the city of Washington D.C.’s chief technology officer. One of his former top aides has been arrested in an investigation of a kickback scandal in his office.

"— Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, who is still in office after it was disclosed that her husband had more than $6,000 in former tax liens against his business. The couple claimed they were unaware of the liens.

"— Nancy Killefer, who withdrew as Obama’s chief performance officer after it was disclosed she had a tax lien against her in Washington for failing to pay unemployment compensation taxes.

"— And last but not least, who can forget former Senate Democrat Majority Leader Tom Daschle’s scuttled nomination for health and human services secretary after the disclosure he did not pay more than $128,000 in back taxes and almost $12,000 in interest? A fascinating disclosure regarding a man who voted multiple times against tax cuts.

"Obama also vowed to end the revolving door of lobbyists. His campaign website still states, 'As president, he will close the revolving door between political appointments and K-street lobbying.' It also contains the text of a speech he gave in Spartanburg, SC, on November 3, 2007, where he said lobbyists 'won’t find a job in my White House.'

"But those words appear to be a promise that he had no intention of fulfilling, if one is to judge by his actions since he took office.

"— Ron Klain, Vice President Joe Biden’s chief of staff, is a former lobbyist from the law firm O’Melveny & Myers. His clients included Fannie Mae, the same entity that pushed the subprime loans propelling our nation into economic crisis.

"— Attorney General Eric Holder was a registered lobbyist for clients like Global Crossing. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack was a registered lobbyist for the NEA, the national teachers’ union.

"— William Lynn (deputy defense secretary), Mark Patterson (chief of staff to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner), Mona Sutphen (deputy White House chief of staff), Cecilia Munoz (White House director of intergovernmental affairs), and Patrick Gaspard (White House political affairs director) are all registered lobbyists.

"The list of former registered lobbyists now working for Obama goes on and on.

"Many have pointed out that it is next to impossible to staff an administration without lobbyists. After all, some of these registered lobbyists are hired based on their expertise — in this case, promoting liberal causes on the president’s agenda.

"Still, ending that 'revolving door' was the president’s promise and the basis on which he asked for voters’ support.

"The behavior shouldn’t come as a surprise when examining Obama’s political roots in Chicago, the home of America’s most indicted and convicted political class. Obama not only endorsed impeached former Governor Rod Blagojevich in 2002 and 2006, he served as an adviser to Blagojevich in 2002. David Axelrod, Obama’s chief political strategist and a West Wing employee, worked for Blagojevich’s past campaigns. Michael Strautman, now the White House’s chief of staff to the assistant to the president, was legislative director and even legal counsel to Blagojevich while he was in Congress.

"Apparently the new era of responsibility was to begin in Washington after Mr. Obama left Illinois."

Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama's 100-Day Hope Check

"Are Barack Obama's supporters wondering where the hope went? Does the campaign now seem only a golden dream? After all, Obama's been in the White House for over three months, and people are still losing jobs and houses, US troops are still overseas, single-payer health care is still not on the agenda. Surely the President should have fixed all that by now with the power of his mighty hope machine."

Miss California loses for supporting marriage between a man and woman

"'Well I think its great that Americans are able to choose one or the other,' she said. 'We live in a land where you can choose same-sex marriage or opposite marriage. And you know what, in my country, in my family, I think that I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman. No offense to anybody out there but that’s how I was raised and that’s how I think it should be between a man and a woman. Thank you very much.'”

A Prime Example of The Left Lying to Itself and Everyone Else

"Yet at the same time, after the recent Somali pirate standoff ended, Gloria Borger of CNN defended Obama for not engaging the pirates. Borger praised Obama for not negotiating with the Somali pirates that held Captain Philips on April 12 saying, 'Would it have been better if the president of the United States had publicly engaged with a bunch of teenage thug pirates? It’s beneath Obama’s pay grade and dignity — not to mention how it would have added fuel to an already incendiary situation.'”

Blame America First

"Obama’s much vaunted tolerance was proudly on display as he politely endured a 50 minute anti-US diatribe from Nicaragua dictator Daniel Ortega. He then graciously, and publicly accepted a book from his new buddy, Venezuela dictator Chavez. Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent, a virulently anti-American book, instantly skyrocketed to #6 on Amazon.

"The left is rejoicing at the apparent instant friendship between President Obama and thug Chavez, celebrating the vindication of their long-held belief that dialogue is better than war and that apologizing for America is a cool way to win friends and influence people.

"Mea culpa is now official U.S. policy. In Mexico earlier last week, Obama took the occasion to blame America for all the gun violence in Mexico. Despite the fact that the report he was echoing has been thoroughly discredited, Obama stoically echoed the ‘fake but accurate’, theme made popular by the likes of (discredited) Dan Rather, (discredited Nobel prize winning author) Rigoberta Menchu, (discredited sex researcher) Kinsey..., well, you get the idea.

"President Obama promised he would reach out to the rest of the world. One of his main campaign pledges was a vow to make everyone like us. Never mind that that kind of thinking is usually seen only among school kids. Obama wants us to be popular. And now we are. Just as long as we’re humble and continue kowtowing to despots.

"The problem is, our new best friends are not very savory characters. From Castro to Kim Jong Il to Ahmadinejad to Chavez, these guys are the school yard bullies. They routinely kill their own citizens, they impose law by fiat, they jail or kill any dissidents and generally impose their will on all citizens unfortunate enough to reside in their countries. But hey, it works for them.

"Liberals, oops, progressives, hold the belief that dialogue, not guns, will cause third world dictators to realize and then remedy the error of their ways. Totally absent from their equation is any recognition of past history. Namely, the last 20 or so years that produced lots of words and dialogue yet spectacularly failed to influence or change any actions or policies.

"Believing that his charm can trump reality, President Obama remains intent on changing the world. But first, America has to be brought down to size. We must acknowledge yet again the sins of our past and, like celebrities who hit bottom, apologize profusely and publicly and then enter rehab to assure the world we are, indeed, sorry."

Love This Comment From Yet Another Satisfied Obama Voter

"ITS OFFICIAL!!! I now despise Barack Obama more than George W. Bush.1 He refuses to appoint a special prosecutor to punish Bush for his illegal WIRE TAPPING and TORTURING ways.2 He’s kissing the asses of 2 bit DICTATORS like Castro and Chavez ,the only thing to come of this is more OUTSOURCING,CHEAP LABOR, and more LOST AMERICAN JOBS.3 He wants to legalize 20 million illegal aliens when millions of Americans can’t find work as it is. I can’t believe i voted for this ” Articulate” LYING HACK."

Story behind the story: The left erupts

"The most interesting aspect of this high school spat to me is to see Politico’s - Obana’s #1 cheerleader - use of the word 'left' as a pejorative. It’s not surprising really, just, well - revealing."

It seems like the "left" had a one-night stand with the Obama campaign and not happy marriage.

And more comments

I hope you're right, but will it make a difference? This is one of the disappointing decisions Obama has made.

"Shame on anyone--especially the President of the United States--who chooses to give immunity to government officials who violated American and international law. For the President to say that we don't want to "dwell on the past" is to ignore the very conduct that Americans rejected (and led directly to his election, accomplished--in part--by his implying that he would treat criminality as criminality, i.e., by prosecuting it). That the President and Holder say that prosecution of operatives who relied upon (outrageously incorrect) legal opinions would be inappropriate is evocative of 'I was only following orders,' which the Allies repudiated at Nuremberg. If we stand for anything, we are supposed to stand for the rule of law. Shame on President Obama for 'Watergating' waterboarding...shame on our country for committing war crimes and ignoring them. Where is the 'Change We Can Believe In'?"

Comments and more coments

"Why doesn't Obama just get it over with and change the stars and stripes to the hammer and cycle? What a joke this administration is."

"What's with all these czars Obama is naming. He shows what he wants to be King Obama instead of president Obama. If he can't do anything without his teleprompter or someone telling him what to do aka Pelosi."

"I want be a czar ! Everyone else is and I deserve a place at the public money trough! Obama are you listening?"

"Im glad to see Obama actually doing something. In my short life, this is the first President I've seen do something real. And I really don't care how much money he spends, as long as it will get us out of the mess we were in. And no matter who he picks for his executive team, I'm positive it's a good choice. Give Obama a break! He's only been in office for about 4 months. It's going to take a long time to recover.
Change Has Come." (Clueless. This person does not care how much money Obama spends to get us out of the mess we are in? Does she put out fires with water or gasoline? Also too she does not care about the money because it is not her money. She probably gets a tax refund. She will need change for the laundromat.)

Obama Administration: No Prosecution of Officials for Bush-Era Torture Policy

"White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said during our exclusive interview Sunday on 'This Week' that President Barack Obama will not pursue the prosecution of Bush-era officials who devised torture policy against detainees, as laid out in memos the Obama administration released this week."

Tale of Two Bows

Still love those comments!:

"I am sure glad I wasn't so dumb as to vote for Obama. People who voted for him are sure the laughing stock of society now. All over my city they are being made fun of that they fell for the 'hope' message. Well, he didn't fool me."

"First he bowed, then he lied. Obama sounds good, but so far all we really have is more war, more debt, more corporate welfare, and we still have torture, wiretapping and the patriot act. Plus more taxes, and no help from Europe or the UN. Now think about his campaign. Just continuing Bush Policies for the Empire. But I guess as long as Demotard is office no one will complain about this anymore. Those who voted for this clown got played. Obama is pathetic."

"Dont worry guys there are just as many BLINDLY optimistic Obama supporters as there ever were Bush supporters. The sad thing is they are going to get us in even deeper trouble than those (censored)did.I think its hysterical how they will ignore shit from Obama they would have been screaming over if Bush and his cronies had done. Like spending more in 3 months on pork barrel projects than the last a-hole did in 8 years on everything including this absurdly expensive war."

"This man is an absolute disgrace ! To think we have to put up with him for 3 and a half more years makes me sick, and scared for my country."

"I thought Obama was the chosen one, if so, should'nt they be bowing to him."

"In May 2009 Obama plans to speak publicly about immigration reform, to begin discussing possible legislation for as early as this fall. His plan is to make legal status possible for an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants. Obama wants illegals to keep their jobs, when millions of jobless Americans could have their jobs. Face it people, Obama is not a president for the American people. Change? That's all you will have in your pockets when Obama gets through with you."

"1. I voted for Obama
2. I wish I never did
3. It's to early for any of his decisions to have an affect
4. His stimulus package sucks. Example he is giving amtrak all this money! Why?!? They have not turned a profit in 30 years!!! Even when the economy was at a increase..
5. His foreign policies make us look weak."

Obama lied, Freedom died

"In another example of Barrack Obama’s hypocrisy, he has decided that keeping secrets is a good idea. This of course is in direct contradiction to his campaign rhetoric.

"Promises, Promises: Obama keeps some Bush (sic Government) Secrets — funny how it’s 'Bush' secrets and not 'Government' secrets. Well not really, but you can’t really expect the AP to get over their Bush derangement syndrome this soon. I am surprised they even wrote about this.

President Barack Obama’s Justice Department quietly told a federal court in Washington last week that it would not second-guess the previous administration’s decisions to withhold some information about the bureau’s Investigative Data Warehouse.

"Remember that the next time you hear that the Obama Admin wants to 'help' you. They only want to control you, and these databases will help.

'In light of all the fanfare at the highest levels of the administration about a new transparency policy, it’s remarkable that not one word of additional material has been released as a result of that new policy,' said David Sobel, the foundation’s lawyer in the case.

"The only people surprised by this are those that actually thought the Obama was telling the truth to begin with."

Who in the Hell is OUR President?

"Spending this weekend doing Obama’s 90 day review. He is my employee, after all. A month ago or so - in fairness to him - I urged a preliminary review using my kindergarten report card. He was just a new president - it seemed a 'kinder, gentler' way to review his nascent efforts.

"I am done being nice. Done. I woke up this morning to see our - OUR? - president shaking hands and hamming it up with Hugo Chavez, America’s most vocal critic on this side of the Atlantic. This is the same man, who in recent years in speeches to leaders of other sworn enemies of our country has spoken gleefully, in fact - prayerfully - for America’s demise. Yep, Chavez is worthy of a little Obama chest bump. (And no, Janeane, that’s not racist - even overweight white guys like me will occasionally chest bump, too.) I know . . . I know - it will be said that the president was just being polite and cordial with Senor Chavez. It’s funny how that same sense of decorum and protocol didn’t scare the president’s recent encounters with Prime Minister Brown and President Sarkozy.

"Anyway, I digress - back to his 90 day review.

"Let’s see - how has our President done in handling our economy? Well, he’s managed to bloat the federal bureaucracy to a size never before seen in our republic’s history, to triple our country’s annual budget deficit and to burden my children’s grandchildren with such vast amounts of debt that it is distinctly possible that the American way of life, as we have known it, is but a mere dream to them. In the meantime, we have seen no significant improvement in our economy - hundreds of thousands of people are losing their jobs each month.

"And, the scary thing is - Obama is just getting started. Cap & Trade will raise the cost of energy for all American families by thousands of dollars per year, but we will get the privilege of saying that we are producing less CO2, while the Chinese, Indians and the Russians produce as much as they want. I thought it was global warming - maybe, our president will make wind stop.

"And, if the president doesn’t kill off long-term economic growth with America’s growing piles of debt, then we can look forward to any increases in our personal incomes being taxed away to support ever-growing entitlement programs for those who seemingly have had difficulty capitalizing communizing in our new green economy. From each according to their ability to pay and labor to each according to their need. Is it really any wonder that our president finds so much to smile about with Daniel Ortega?

"As to foreign policy, the president has been nothing short of an abject failure. Now, I know . . . he went on his Apology Tour of Europe and everyone loved him. Why? Because from the moment he landed in London until he left Baghdad, the American president did nothing but prostrate America before one foreign leader after another - literally bowing to the Saudi King, while his press spokesman excused it as simply searching for a hand to shake. What?

"Home for a week, lift travel restrictions with communist Cuba, and then off to Latin America to play buddy, buddy with socialist Chavez and stand mute during a nearly hour long tongue lashing from communist Ortega. Hard to think of Reagan at Reykjavik and Obama at Trinidad in the same breath, isn’t it?"

Torture, Mr. President?

Torture- Mr. President?

By Rev. Wayne Perryman

Torture? I’m so glad you brought up the subject. Mr. President and Attorney General Holder, Conservative African Americans have been waiting a lifetime to have this conversation. But before you and the sensitive members of the Democratic Party start with the Bush Administration, why don’t we review the torture tactic of the Democratic Party.

The chronicles of history reveal that in areas controlled by Democrats, Democrats used every form of torture to keep blacks in their place. Lynching, whippings, murder, intimidation, assassinations and mutilations were commonplace in jurisdictions where Democrats were in control. In addition to individual torture entire black communities were destroyed and burned to the ground in such places like: Wilmington, North Carolina, Rosewood, Florida, and the Greenwood District in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to name a few. The one thing that all of these communities had in common, is what realtors often say: location, location, location. They were all located in states and counties controlled by Democratic officials. According to the renowned African American history professor, John Hope Franklin, the atrocities committed against African Americans in these regions, “were so varied and so numerous as to defy classification or enumeration.”

The Encyclopaedia Britannica reported that from the beginning, “Democrat resentment [of black freedom and equality under Reconstruction] led to the formation of the secret terroristic organizations such as the Ku Klux Klan and the Knight of the White Camelia. The use of fraud, violence and intimidation helped Southerns... regain control of their state governments, by the time the last federal troops had been withdrawn in 1877, the Democratic Party was back in power.”[1]

Other noted history professors also wrote about these atrocities, including:

a. Professor James McPherson of Princeton University
b. Professor David Herbert Donald of Harvard University
c. Professor Allen W. Trelease of North Carolina University
d. Professor Howard O. Lindsey of DePaul University.

Professor Allen Trelease said: “Klansmen in disguise rode through Negro neighborhoods at night warning Negroes either to cast Democratic ballots or stay away from the poll. The Klan also sent notices to Republican office holders, warning them of death and telling them to either resign or leave the vicinity. Similar notices went to active Republicans of both races and often to the teachers of Negro schools as well. Klan activities created a reign of terror in many localities and sometimes had the desired effect of demoralizing Negroes and Republicans…. Republicans of both races were threatened, beaten, shot, and murdered with impunity. In some areas Negroes stopped voting or voted the Democrat ticket as the Klan demanded. “Democrats by a kind of tortured reasoning, sometimes accused Negroes and Republicans of attacking each other so that the crimes would be blamed on the Democrats; investigations revealed that Democrats had committed the acts themselves.”

Professors John Hope Franklin and Alfred Moss, authors of From Slavery To Freedom tells us that, “The Camelias and the Klan were the most powerful of the secret orders. Armed with guns, swords, or other weapons, their members patrolled some parts of the South day and night. They used intimidation, force, ostracism in business and society, bribery at the polls, arson, and even murder to accomplish their deed. Depriving the Negro of political equality became, to them, a holy crusade in which a noble end justified any means. Negroes were run out of communities if they disobeyed orders to desist from voting; and the more resolute and therefore insubordinate blacks were whipped, maimed, and hanged. In 1871 several Negro officials in South Carolina were given fifteen days to resign and they were warned that if they failed to do so, then retributive justice will as surely be used as night follows day. For many white Southerners violence was still the surest means of keeping the Negroes politically impotent, and in countless communities they were not allowed, under penalties of reprisals, to show their faces in town on Election Day. It had looked as though the Civil War would break out anew as the Democrats resorted to every possible device to over throw the radicals.64

Professor Franklin went on to say, “It was reported that in North Carolina the Klan was responsible for 260 outrages, including 7 murders and the whipping of 72 whites and 141 Negroes. In one county in South Carolina 6 men were murdered and more than 300 were whipped during the first six months of 1870. The personal indignities inflicted upon individual white and Negroes were so varied and so numerous as to defy classification or enumeration.”[2]

In his book, The Abolitionist Legacy, Professor James McPherson reported, “In 1873, Louisiana became almost a synonym for chaos and violence. When Grant sent federal troops to install Kellogg in office [as governor], Louisiana Democrats were infuriated. They formed White Leagues which attacked black and white Republicans and took scores of lives.”[3]

From his book entitled; Charles Sumner, Harvard Professor, David Hebert Donald reached the following conclusion: “Congress could give the Negro the vote, but all over the South the Ku Klux Klan and other terrorist organizations systematically intimidated the freedmen, flogged or slaughtered their leaders and drove whites who worked with them into exile. Congress could require federal troops to supervise the registration of voters, but Negroes were waylaid and butchered on the roads to the registration offices. Congress could suppress outright violence by military force, but it could do nothing to protect Negroes from landlords who told them bluntly: If you vote with that Yankee [Republican] party you shall not live on our land.”[4]

Professor Howard O. Linsay, the author of, A History of Black Americans says, “Blacks and sympathetic Whites were attacked and threatened. African Americans were discouraged from seeking elected office and even from trying to vote. Any and all means were used from threats to violence to outright murder.”[5]

The following is what happened to Sam Hose and Mary Turner:

After a mob murdered Mary Turner’s husband, she threatened to swear out warrants against his killers. Several hundred men decided to teach her a lesson. They took this eight month pregnant woman from her home and after tying her ankles together, they hung her from a tree, head downward, dousing her clothes with gasoline, and burned them [the clothes] from her body. While she was still alive, someone used a knife ordinarily reserved for splitting hogs to cut open the woman’s abdomen. The baby fell from her womb to the ground and cried briefly, whereupon a member of the mob crushed the baby’s head beneath his heel. Then hundreds of bullets were fired into Mary Turner’s body.” [Page 14, Without Sanctuary – Foreword written by Democratic Congressman John Lewis].

These forms of torture were common in regions controlled by Democrats. The following is what they did to Sam Hose after falsely accusing him.

“After stripping Hose of his clothes and chaining him to a tree, the self-appointed executioners stacked kerosene-soaked wood high around him. Before saturating Hose with oil and applying the torch, they cut off his ears, fingers, and genitals, and skinned his face. While some in the crowd plunged knives into the victims flesh, others watched with unfeigning satisfaction, the contortions of Sam Hose’s body as flames rose, distorting his features, causing his eyes to bulge out of their sockets and rupturing his veins. The only sounds that came from the victim’s lips, even as his blood sizzled in the fire. were, “Oh my God! Oh, Jesus.” Before Hose’s body had even cooled, his heart and liver were removed and cut into several pieces and his bones were crushed into small particles. The crowd fought over these souvenirs. Shortly after the lynching, one of the participants reportedly left for the state capitol, hoping to deliver a slice of Sam Hose’s heart to the Democratic governor of Georgia, who would call Sam Hose’s deeds, “the most diabolical in the annals of crime.” [Page 15, ‘Without Sanctuary”]

After the brutal hanging, it was proven that Mr. Hose was innocent of the allege charges. They took parts of his body and displayed them in store windows, which was a common practice in towns, cities, counties and states controlled by Democrats.

I haven’t even scratched the surface. Time and space would not permit me to tell you about Dred Scott, the Civil Rights Cases of 1883, Plessy v. Ferguson, the Senate investigations of 1871, or the letters written by blacks in Kentucky in 1871 Louisiana in 1872, Alabama in 1874. From the New York riots of during the Civil War, to 1963 when the 16th Street Baptist Church was bombed as Condoleezza Rice was preparing to go to Sunday School, wherever Democrats were in control, blacks have been tortured, intimidated and mutilated by Democrat officials and members of the Democratic Party. Senator Tillman of South Carolina said lynching blacks was justified. He went on to say: “Southern women will not submit to the black man gratifying his lust on our wives and daughter without lynching him.” This same Democratic Senator said: “We reorganized the Democratic Party with one plank and only one plank, namely that this is a white man’s country and white men must govern it.”

Now tell me Mr. President and Mr. Holder, how many detainees were beaten, hung, raped, cut into pieces bombed and burned to death under Bush Administration? Before we start condemning the Bush Administration for their handling of the allege terrorist from foreign countries, why don’t we first review the Democratic Party who tortured the black citizens from their own country. Oh, one more thing. Mr. Holder, it was the Bush Administration that finally prosecuted the person that was responsible for the 16th Baptist Church bombing. Black conservatives are looking forward to hearings on torture.

Rev. Wayne Perryman
P.O. Box 256
Mercer Island, WA 98040
(206) 860-6880


[1] 1992 Encyclopaedia Britannica pp. 979

64 Reconstruction – The Great Experience, pp. 226-233
[2] Reconstruction After The Civil War, p. 157

[3] The Abolitionist Legacy, p.40
[4] Charles Sumner, p. 420
[5] A History of Black Americans, pp. 88-89

The Obama Administration Is Criminalizing Dissent? Intimidating Its Ideological Opponents? You Must Be Joking

"I'm still digging out of my various pre-election hate mail piles — you know, 'How could say Obama is a socialist who will redistribute wealth just because he used to be a member of a socialist party and criticized the Warren Court for failing to order the redistribution of wealth?'; 'How could you say Obama is a Left-wing radical rather than a centrist moderate just because he made common cause with Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Mike Klonsky, Jeremiah Wright, Frank Marshall Davis, et al?'; 'How could you say Obama would be an extremist on abortion and other life issues just because he supported infanticide as a Chicago legislator?'; 'How could you say Obama would be anti-Israel in his governance and appointments just because he pals around with Rashid Khalidi?'; 'How could you say an Obama administration would turn TARP into a Big Government slush fund just because he managed the Chicago Annenberg Challenge as a Big Lefty slush fund?'; 'How could you say Obama will be soft on Iran just because Obama is soft on Iran?'; etc. But I note that I got plenty for this one, too:

"I’ll be blunt: Sen. Obama and his supporters despise free expression, the bedrock of American self-determinism and hence American democracy. What’s more, like garden-variety despots, they see law not as a means of ensuring liberty but as a tool to intimidate and quell dissent....

"[I]n St. Louis, local law-enforcement authorities, dominated by Democrat-party activists, [are] threatening libel prosecutions against Obama’s political opposition. County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, abetted by a local sheriff and encouraged by the Obama campaign, warned that members of the public who dared speak out against Obama during the campaign’s crucial final weeks would face criminal libel charges — if, in the judgment of these conflicted officials, such criticism of their champion was 'false.'

"The chill wind was bracing. The Taliban could not better rig matters. The Prophet of Change is only to be admired, not questioned. In the stretch run of an American election, there is to be no examination of a candidate for the world’s most powerful office — whether about his radical record, the fringe Leftism that lies beneath his thin, centrist veneer, his enabling of infanticide, his history of race-conscious politics, his proposals for unprecedented confiscation and distribution of private property (including a massive transfer of American wealth to third-world dictators through international bureaucrats), his ruinous economic policies that have helped leave Illinois a financial wreck, his place at the vortex of the credit market implosion that has put the U.S. economy on the brink of meltdown, his aggressive push for American withdrawal and defeat in Iraq, his easy gravitation to America-hating activists, be they preachers like Jeremiah Wright, terrorists like Bill Ayers, or Communists like Frank Marshall Davis. Comment on any of this and risk indictment or, at the very least, government harassment and exorbitant legal fees.

Nor was this an isolated incident.

Item: When the American Issues Project ran political ads calling attention to Obama’s extensive ties to Ayers, the Weatherman terrorist who brags about having bombed the Pentagon and the U.S. Capitol, the Obama campaign pressured the Justice Department to launch an absurd criminal prosecution.

"Item: When commentator Stanley Kurtz of the Ethics and Public Policy Center was invited on a Chicago radio program to discuss his investigation of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an “education reform” project in which Obama and Ayers (just 'a guy who lives in my neighborhood') collaborated to dole out over $100 million, the Obama campaign issued an Internet action alert. Supporters, armed with the campaign’s non-responsive talking points, dutifully flooded the program with calls and emails, protesting Kurtz’s appearance and attempting to shout him down.

"Item: Both Obama and his running mate, Sen. Joe Biden, have indicated that an Obama administration would use its control of the Justice Department to prosecute its political opponents, including Bush administration officials responsible for the national security policies put in effect after nearly 3000 Americans were killed in the 9/11 attacks.

"Item: There is a troubling report that the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Section, top officials of which are Obama contributors, has suggested criminal prosecutions against those they anticipate will engage in voter 'intimidation' or 'oppression' in an election involving a black candidate (read "black Democratic candidate -- Robert) . (Memo to my former DOJ colleagues: In a system that presumes innocence even after crimes have undeniably been committed, responsible prosecutors don’t assume non-suspects will commit future law violations — especially when doing so necessarily undermines the First Amendment freedoms those prosecutors solemnly swear to uphold.) [Emphasis added.]"