Monday, October 20, 2008

We Had A Patriotic Nation Once Part 2

"Howard Stern did his own version of Man On the Street and he revealed that the Obama supporters are dumber than crates of boxes of turtle turds. The audio released was a man conducting on the streets interviews asking every day folks if they believed in Barack's dogma by telling them what McCain stands on and for. They were also asked if Barack made a wise choice choosing Sarah Palin as his running mate. Every single one said that Barack's (really McCain's) stands on issues were right on and Sarah Palin was a very good choice as VP.

"Howard Stern's findings are EXACTLY what I have found on college campuses across Texas and in Michigan when this fact-finding mission started some months ago.. I was told by many in Michigan that the country was going to hell in a hand basket because of those idiot Republicans Murtha, Pelosi and Reid. I was SHOCKED I tell you. I didn't know that it was this bad. When shown beyond a shadow of a doubt that Murtha, Reid and Pelosi (and many others they mentioned) were Democrats, it was their turn to be shocked. Handily, a professor of a Michigan College in Kalamazoo was present at one of these interviews and she was pissed off because 5 of her students found out while she was present that she was a damned liar. She was the one that told these kids that Murtha, Reid and Pelosi were Republicans. I have found the same here in Texas.

"A small portion of that experience is expressed in this post and therein the beginnings of a Snooper Movement began. This, I believe, is why Patriotism no longer means what it once did. Nowadays, patriotism is defined as to how much you are WILLING to pay in taxes. The more you pay, the more patriotic one is. So, patriotism can be bought now, according to the DNC as expressed by Joe Biden. Doesn't this belay what True Patriotism is? I think so."