Monday, October 20, 2008

A personality profile of Obama's leadership

"While most might laud Obama's personality as a needed polar opposite to G.W. Bush, especially in an era of required international relations repair, I pose to you that Obama's personality pendulum swing is way too far to the other side. An 'accommodating-agreeable-conciliator-favoring compromise' type of personality is good for closing a used car deal, but not the one that can lead our country through tough economic times and decisive crises or emergency conflicts that require often unpopular actions.

"Even Obama's voting record proves that. His own Democrat colleagues have a difficult time understanding, when he was Illinois state senator, how he voted 'present' (instead of 'yes' or 'no') 129 times, including a number of noncommittal tallies on issues like gun rights and abortion.

"You've also heard that Obama doesn't have any executive experience at running a government or business. I would pose to you the reason why is simply because he's not comfortable making executive decisions. An 'executive conciliator' will overly depend upon others, at times compromising judgment and needed immediate action to appease the masses. Proof of that is seen in how Obama has handled his and our 'emergency' economic decisions."


"Obama's inability to draw and hold hard lines is the primary factor why he repeatedly struggles with, and caves and morphs into, the polls or people in front of him. More than any other politician in history, he has flip flopped on a host of critical issues: Iraq, Iran, gay rights, NAFTA, abortion, race, religion, gun control, etc. It's one thing to be political, but it's quite another to be a chronic people pleaser under pressure. Swaying to political expediency is not the leadership quality we need in tough times. Sooner or later, that character flaw will bite Obama big time and, unfortunately, us too."

I PREDICT -- There will be a contrived crisis to "prove" Obama's mettle, a crisis created much like a television production. Then he will come off as a "decisive leader," as long as he follows the script.