"But as we now know, the Obama camp lied in its email when it claimed that WGN had refused to 'offer sane, honest rebuttal' to Kurtz. OK, so politicians lie, even "candidates of change" lie. But just as bad is the assertion that it was 'unacceptable' for WGN to use 'our public airwaves' to air the program. If ever there was a pre-announcement of how an Obama Administration would regulate 'our public airwaves,' that was it."
"Campaigning is not governance, and I must admit, I'm now a lot more worried than I was a month ago about how Obama will deal with criticism from the right should he be elected, because they ain't going away.
"Obama says he will change Washington. That he will govern in a bipartisan way and get Congress unstuck. I want to believe him. But I think that this current wave of criticism is practice for the years ahead, and I am not encouraged by the Obama campaign's instinct to dump a pile of bricks on anyone who won't engage them on their terms. I mean, wasn't one reason Democrats liked Obama was that he represented a break from the partisan rancor of the Clinton years?"
Is Freedom of Speech, age 221, in America in a coma in an Intensive Care Unit? Is the pulse fading? Should we call for a priest for Last Rites? Should we make funeral arraignments?
Is there a widow to send flowers to?