Saturday, October 18, 2008

The World According to Obama

"Think about it, folks. What kind of perverted politician supports laws like Obama supports -- laws that forbid doctors and nurses from resuscitating or otherwise staving off the death of a child who survives an abortion? The answer to this question should be far more important to us than the answer to questions about when the Dow will hit 10,000 again.

"Obama freely admits he has 'not come to a firm resolution on' whether life begins at conception or not. He admits this in questionnaires he’s answered and at settings such at Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church, where he said the determination of when life begins was above his pay grade. It should trouble us beyond measure that, in Obama’s world, if you’re not sure the baby is a baby, it is okay to kill it. I much preferred Ronald Reagan’s position, when he said that, in such a situation, we should always give life the benefit of the doubt."