Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama campaign begins systematic destruction of Joe the Plumber

JOE MUST BE ELIMINATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"Believing their candidate was caught off-guard and somehow 'forced' by Wurzelbacher to tell the truth, Joe is now — ala Sarah Palin — being skewered, drawn and quartered by the press. Like a pack of mad dogs — or idiotic children — members of the elite liberal media have gleefully searched into his background to find any dirt they could and have blasted Joe with 'his name's not even Joe!', 'he doesn't have a license and he's not even a plumber,' 'he owes back taxes!' Note: His middle name is Joe, he IS a plumber but, works under his boss' license (a business he is hoping to buy) and there are many in America who still owe taxes. Perhaps this is why he asked the question in the first place? In order to further destroy his credibility for having the audacity — or unmitigated gall — to ask Obama the question, the mainstream media is even checking into Wurzelbacher's divorce! Even Obama and his running mate Biden are now maligning the man.'

"For all of us who can see this entity for what he is and those who still have their eyes closed due to the dazzling visage of their fake worldly redeemer, we can only pray that eyes and ears have been opened. Obama is now shouting at us as to what his presidency will be. We already know it will be built on Marxist 'principles.' But, with this recent example of Joe the Plumber clearly in our minds, we have now been told in the clearest of all possible terms — there are no more doubts — that it will, indeed, be implemented in the ways of Joseph Stalin. No dissension will be tolerated or allowed.

"Is the end to liberty and freedom truly what you want? Or, are you still willing to fight for your country — if not your lives?"