Friday, October 10, 2008

Life as we know it will end if Obama is elected

"I believe if Obama is elected, the government will tax, tax, tax the citizens who are most productive. Yet it's been proven that tax increases lead to economic downturn, while tax cuts lead to economic growth (which we desperately need). There will also be a "take from the rich, give to the poor" type of socialistic mindset throughout the nation. And I believe our country will be weaker militarily around the world.

"In addition, people who hate Christianity will be emboldened to attack our freedoms. Christianity is already persona non grata in academia and in the liberal media. People such as Bill Maher and Michael Moore, who hate God and God's people, will think the election verifies that the nation as a whole believes as they do and will jump for glee. Meanwhile, Christians seem almost asleep. There is no outcry! And there is a group of Bible-believing Christians who appear to have decided to overlook how dangerous Obama will be and plan to vote for him anyway."