Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Joy Behar is a fat, stupid commie

"Thus, such an individual thinks nothing (literally) of reflexively babbling such inane things as 'Rush Limbaugh is a terrorist.' Terrorists blow things up and kill people. Thus far, I'm not aware of Limbaugh ever having engaged in such activity, unlike a friend (Bill Ayers) of Behar's probable presidential pick (Sen. Barack Obama)."


"Behar is obviously coarse and somewhat repellant; whether she's just mouthy and thoroughly indoctrinated or indeed a blithering idiot, I do not know. Certainly the business she's in provides for the massive success of select dull-normals. The point is that no informed person (granted, a tall order these days) in their right mind would take to heart anything said by entertainers on weighty issues and would be doubly wary of those who are particularly vocal regarding their sociopolitical views."