Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Christians, this election is not just about the economy

"Open your eyes, Christian America. You've been undermined and lulled to sleep within your cloisters of Christian fellowship. Your lack of wisdom regarding political effects on matters of faith is stunningly appalling. As a result, we have been weakened.

"This election is not just about the economy, but about the fate of our nation as it exists today.

"If we are not careful, soon our churches will be forced to compromise the preaching of the full gospel message, as they have been in Canada, Britain and Scandinavia. What God's Word has to say about marriage and homosexuality will be considered hate speech. Christian radio will also be stifled not able to air God's truth on these extremely important topics.

"Our churches will lose their tax exemptions because they'll refuse to accommodate and perform same sex marriages. Traditional Churches will close their doors before they are forced to obey the far reaching arms of the ACLU and those who legislate from the bench.

"This is a clarion call. Who will be preaching to the multitudes? Denominations that have been radicalized by the far left, such as the National Council of Churches, that's who. Only those whose agenda it is to change our country's political and social mores will be left standing. They have already sown the seeds of deceit."

Will the church have to go underground as in ancient Rome, Communist China, Communist Cuba, and the old Soviet Union?