Friday, April 10, 2009

Reparations for gay Americans

You think this is a joke? Click the link above.

No money, no honey???

Love those comments:

"Actually, come to think of it I think the writer of this article should get reparations. Clearly the educational system has failed him completely because only an idiot would throw something like this against the wall to see if it sticks. He should get checks from the taxpayers for the next 30 years to compensate him for the horrendous education he received during his formative years that allowed him to develop a thought as asinine as reparations for gays. I mean, how traumatic his education must have been for him to think that anyone deserves my tax dollars just because they had a tough life filled with obstacles.

"And while we were at it, my ancestors were belittled and marginalized at the turn of the century for being Irish. They were denied access to the best jobs and public services based on their ethnicity. Can I have some money too please? While we are at it, checks for everyone! I mean, it's only tax dollars right?"

"I just can't even comprehend the state of mind of the writer who would suggest this. I am 100% behind gay rights and gay marraige but paying people because they've had a rough road to go is just beyond the pale.

"You fail to answer two of the most fundamental questions:
1) Where do you draw the line? Blacks and Gays aren't the only people to experience some kind of oppression in this country. Does this mean that it is open season on reparations for anyone who hasn't had their path of life paved in gold? You have no imagination if you think Blacks and Gays are the only people who have ever had to overcome obstacles.

"2) Who pays for all this? Contrary to the belief of our current president, the Federal Government is not an endless piggy bank. Those are in fact tax dollars of which I've paid many over the years. If you feel gays have been mistreated, go take up a collection and put some of your own skin in the game rather than telling other people that they should pay."

"Please help me understand....are you saying that the gays and lesbians of America have suffered the same pain and torture as the hundreds of thousands of African Americans who were held in slavery and then denied as human beings for so long? Or the hundreds of thousands of Native Americans who were forcibly removed from their homes, killed, stolen from, and had their entire culture suppressed? Or the millions of Jews who were rounded up and exterminated in the Nazi death camps? Please tell me that you are not that naive. Please tell me that you are not under any circumstances demeaning the suffering of hundreds of thousands of people by suggesting that the homosexuals of America deserve the same type of reparations. Oh wait I do understand and you should be ashamed of even suggesting this!"

"For this POS to even remotely attempt to equate his agenda with Holocaust survivors and/or Japanese internment camp survivors is sufficient to dismiss him out of hand. Another creep with his hand out."

"What is next? Reparations for the disabled who were denied access to employment because of discrimination and no wheelchair ramps? Lest we forget, there is also the displaced homemakers who were traded in for younger trophy wives and had to re-enter the workforce at lower paying jobs because of age discrimination! Are we to pay reparation to them also? Then there are those from the inner cities who were denied equal education (according to Farakhan and Jackson) and could not even get into college since they did not gradauate from college and were killed in drive-by shootings by gangs. Are we to be held responsible for "wrongful death" and owe reparation to their families? Where will all this end? NONE of this reparation insanity makes ANY sense. Where is the personal responsibility and accountability in any and all of these scenarios? It is time to return to the basics. We all have choices to make and these choices have consequences. We all have to face them!"

"I'm under 5' tall and I feel discriminated against every time I try to get something from the top shelf at the grocery store. One day, a can or a jar is going to fall on my face and break my glasses and probably my nose. Can I get compensation from somebody? I'm also fat, but that of course is my own fault. Must be some reparations somewhere for all the years I've struggled to get things from the top shelf in the grocery store. Oh yeah, besides that, I have very small feet, but trying to find nice shoes that fit is terrible. Most of what is my size is in the children's dept. but they don't have enough support in them for a fat person. And the styles are ridiculous for someone who is a senior citizen. Do shoe manufacture's think if you have small feet you must go barefooted? And every time I buy a pair of pants, I have to have them shortened, which of course costs even more money. Yup, I think I'm due some compensation from somebody for all my trials."

"As an anti-anthropoid dyslexic vegetarian AIDs infested polygamist gay goat humper, I believe my claims for reparations should be at the top of the list. Oooooh, I can see big bucks coming my way."

"Every group has people that get treated like crap. I am a Christian and I get ripped on all the time. Should I get money? I think The Eagles said it best with their song 'Get Over It' with the line 'you haven't been the same since you had your little crash, but you might feel better if they gave you some cash.' What a joke! Get a job (if you can find one) like everyone else. If you can't find work here, try Bravo or Style Network, they obviously don't discriminate."

"I'm overweight. It's tough for me to get pants that fit because I'm short. I've suffered immensely. My address is not changed, so since you're sending checks to AIG, GM, CITI, etc., please forward my immediately to help soften my suffering."

"The audacity of this man is stunning. 'All the funds in the national treasury could not make full amends?' Is that because there are no funds in the treasury, or because he thinks the US should print money until all the homosexuals in America get the chunk of change their entitled to?

"This is absolutely galling. I have had homosexuals for supervisors, co-workers, college roommates, fraternity brothers, fellow soldiers, neighbors, and friends, and none of them have been impoverished or downtrodden. Madison Ave and the media cater to this behavioral minority because they have MONEY! For this reason, I have always thought the homosexual lobby's co-opting of the Civil Rights agenda to be shameful; I have yet to see a homosexual living in poverty, living in a homosexual ghetto, denied the ability to earn a living, denied the right to vote, denied the right to live wherever they want, or any other indicia of discrimination for an IMMUTABLE characteristic."

"Well I'm gay, and I think reparations - for anyone - is a stupid concept and a waste of time. How can a society allocate money to gays or blacks or whomever else has been treated unfairly? Life isn't fair... all one can do is fight for change.

"And fight for change the world we ARE... Make no mistake about it. Regardless of how small minded you are or how you misinterpret the word of Jesus Christ - we will be equal in the eyes of the law as we already are in His eyes."

"I want reparations because I was born and raised in Detroit. Here are my reasons; The local government has been corrupt my entire life, the government is not helping the main source of economic trade (autos), and I am white, which is the minority in Detroit. Pay up!!!

"doesn't sound so fair does it?

"I got an idea, stop blaming everyone else for life. Life happens, get use to it."