Saturday, April 11, 2009

Obama's $83-billion war bill: Era ending? Email Print Link

Love Those Comments:

"If this war was so horrible like the liberals claim...then why doesn't Obama end it today and just bring our troops home??? Where's code Pink?? Where's Harry Reid?? Where's John Murtha?? Where's Tim Robbins?? Where's Michael Moore?? Where's Sean Penn?? Where's Cindy Sheann??All of a sudden it's not so bad now that Obama's in charge. OBAMA LIED.....PEOPLE DIED!!!!!!"


Why did Bill Clinton bomb Iraq in Dec, 1998? What happened to the WMDs that Bill Clinton bombed Iraq over in Dec, 1998? Most leading democrats believed Saddam had the WMD's up until and thru the invasion. So if President Bush was a liar, what would all of the folks in the quotes be?"