Saturday, April 11, 2009

"Disappointment" from an Obama Voter

Buyer's remorse sets in again:

"I cannot understate how disappointed I am in Barack Obama. Torture is being ignored by an Attorney General I thought was going to be a good one. He lets Stevens get away with all kinds of stuff and leaves Siegelman swinging in the breeze after Rove cut him off at the knees. Obama is acting like Bill Clinton who acted like a Republican. George Bush is a war criminal and I have heard nothing about what Spain is doing. Also. many of the cabinet members cannot balance their checkbooks and we expect them to run the economy. Four Bush hold overs are dispersing the TARP funds to wall street so Summers can get paid. Holder and Obama are exactly like Colin Powell, who caused us to get into an illegal war, and is a coward and a traitor in my book. So disappointed! Obama has become one of the elites and Michelle, who was looked upon as a savior of sorts is now trying to be Jackie instead of acting like the rest of us. It is a shame. I thought we would improve the country but now it looks like the joke is on us, as usual. By the way, when is Obama going to let go of the bipartisan canard and focus on doing what is RIGHT. The Republicans are hateful and are never going to give an inch. When is Obama going to admit it. If not, he is a fraud. Looks like the America people are screwed, big time. By the way, single payer health care is the only way that will help the most people. Stop the war and spend the money at home and stop the tax breaks for the rich."

And this comes from I wonder how long until it is censored. If it is, I will have the screen capture as proof.