"Ditto for the good liberals in the Congressional Black Caucus. Members of this group are often the loudest defenders of Fannie and her brother, Freddie Mac. Can it be that the annual donations made by the Fannie Mae Foundation to the Caucus have blurred their vision too?
"Maxine Waters (D., California) cooed all over Mr. Raines, and Clay Lacy (D., Missouri) played the race card by calling the hearings a 'political lynching' of Mr. Raines, who is African-American. Are CEOs not supposed to be accountable simply because they're persons of color? By the way, Roger Barnes, the whistle-blower who was fired by Fannie after complaining about its accounting procedures, is also black. In a more consistent world -- where political principles mean something -- these liberals would be scorching a company that used a government subsidy to enrich its own executives. Instead, they're defending it."