Craig T. Greenlee
Thu, 18 Sep 2008 07:59:59
"This whole episode of Barack Obama reminds me of a scene from the movie Malcolm X when Malcolm (played by Denzel) was making a stump speech. He said: (black people) have been 'hoodwinked and bamboozled.' Initially, my wife and I supported Obama (went to a campaign opening, fundraiser and even bought some campaign buttons and T-shirts). After doing some research on him, I feel like I've been suckered. I'm of the opinion that black pastors and black church congregations around the country are in the same category.
"Bottom line is that Barack Obama is a valid testimony of what shrewd marketing can produce. Obama's rise to prominence reminds of the following lyrics to a song by Gil Scot-Heron in the '80s called 'Madison Avenue':
"They can sell sand to a man living on the desert
They can sell tuna to the Chicken of the Sea
You are surrounded and confounded and dumbfounded by the happenings yes it's true
"It's Madison Avenue"