Monday, September 7, 2009

A Very American Distrust

"President Obama has come smack up against a very American tradition and attitude. It is the distrust of a central government or, for that matter, any government. Obama arrived in the highest office in the land understandably convinced that his gift of oratory would provide a smooth road toward his goals. His party had solid control of the Congress…or so they thought.
To the degree that his campaign was a remarkably successful charade intended to hide his lack of any real experience to be President and to hide his true intentions, one can understand why Obama now feels buffeted by the system that has served Americans well since 1776.
The national spending spree is over. Everybody knows this except Obama and the Democrats in Congress

"Americans do not want to turn an excellent health system over to the government and especially to a government that was not been able to function well in the wake of a monster hurricane; a government whose existing Medicare and Medicaid programs are not only insolvent, but have $36 trillion in unfunded liabilities; a U.S. Postal Service that lost $7 billion last year; and Amtrak that has never shown a profit since it was created in 1970.

"All the smoke and mirrors of the campaign have been replaced by the reality that the President and the Congress work for US. We decide the kind of programs We want and We discard those that don’t work. We may be equal before the law, but that’s where it ends. Those that work hard expect to enjoy the benefits of that work and resent those who live parasitically off of them."