Monday, September 21, 2009

Black Tea Party Express tour team member experiences racism

"I traveled on the Tea Party Express tour bus as a singer/songwriter, entertainer and spokesperson — 16 states, 34 rallies in two weeks. I experienced vicious racial verbal attacks, not from the Tea Party protesters. The racial hate expressed against me all came from the left, people who support President Obama's radial socialist agenda.

"Unfortunately, my deleted email box is littered with numerous messages expressing the following, 'You are the dumbest self hating f****** n***** I have ever seen!' These racists are outraged by my opening lines I boldly proclaimed at each rally. 'Hello my fellow patriots! I am NOT an African-American! I am Lloyd Marcus, AMERICAN!' At every rally, my proclamation inspired great applause and cheers of joy and approval from the audiences. After each rally many came to me with tears in their eyes. They said, "I thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you said. I am Irish (or Italian, or Asian) American. And yet, I would never hyphenate. I feel hyphening divides us. While it is fine to honor one's origin, let's all be American first."