Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Obama Scores Again with His Supporters!

"By their works shall ye know them....

"Honestly, when Obama voted for FISA, I was angry, but I thought about the greater good and voted for him in good conscience. When he hinted that he wouldn't be pursuing charges against the Bush administration for war crimes, because it would be considered too 'partisan' to hold these men and women responsible for their hideous actions, I was furious, but considered that, with all the economic turmoil we are suffering at the moment, perhaps, prosecuting the neo-Cons for crimes against humanity would not necessarily be the best first action Obama could make at the moment. When Obama nominated Larry Summer as the head of the Economic Council, I was perplexed, not because of Summers' clueless remarks about female aptitude for the sciences, but rather because Summer has a history of being intolerant to dissenting viewpoints and bullying his ideological opponents into silence....exactly the LAST kind of person we need in any kind of position of authority during this economic crisis and exactly the opposite of what Obama claimed he needed as a consensus builder, but yet again, I kept silent and considered Obama may know something I did not.

"However, when I read in this morning's New York Times that Obama is considering letting Bush's tax cuts 'lapse' in 2011 rather than rescinding them as he promised during the campaign, I can no longer stomach anyone else telling me to have 'faith'in Obama or trust his instincts without question. I think it's time we all removed the scales from our eyes. It was lovely that we all voted in the first black biracial President, but if we voted in yet another slick Democratic pathological liar who, this time, happens to be of African descent, I fail to see why I or anyone else should be prevented from pointing out the emperor has no clothes before he even ascends the freaking throne."