Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Obama Claims Bush Policies In Iraq As His Own

"President Obama is making liberals wonder why they voted for him today if his plan in Iraq all along was to continue the Bush Administration’s policies with regards to bringing the troops home when the nation was safe from becoming a state sponsor of terrorism again and stand on its own. Yes, that is exactly the same policy that Bush had and that Obama derided repeatedly calling for a hasty retreat from Iraq during the campaign and then later refining his position from all troops to only 'combat' troops coming home."


"So now Obama, has become Bush? The liberal, anti-war, screw the brown people left cannot be at all pleased.

"Oh wait … that’s right! How silly of me to forget! Their opposition was never real! They just hated Bush! Now that it is Obama in charge he can do anything he wants even if that anything is copying exactly the policy they hated Bush for. That’s liberalism for ya!"

They were not against killing people and breaking things. They were against someone other than themselves in charge of killing people and breaking things.