Saturday, April 4, 2009

Does this make me an accessory to murder?

"President Obama has allowed federal money to be provided to international groups that perform abortions.

"I pay my taxes, so therefor, however small, a portion of that money comes from me.

"Since when an abortion is performed, at whatever stage that original zygote has progressed to, no matter how many cells it has become, cells that contain the DNA of an individual human being are being destroyed. It is ending a human life. Regardless of what stage it has developed to, it is a human life. It isn't going to be a cat. It isn't ever going to be a fish. But if its growth and progress weren't stopped, it would become a human.

"So if a human life is ended in a program that uses tax dollars, and if I have payed my taxes, does that make me an accessory to murder?"