Monday, October 13, 2008

What were they thinking?

"Voter fraud, which can be committed by having someone either show up at a voting booth and vote under another person's name (or voting more than once using that method). But usually it occurs when someone submits a fraudulent absentee ballot under a false name. What ACORN canvassers were doing simply boggles the mind."

Registering to vote using different addresses is amazingly simple to do in California.

"It is troubling that ACORN, as a whole, is being hammered primarily for these phony registrations, considering that it has legitimately registered more than a million voters since 2004. There should be some balance. But ACORN must be made to answer for what is going on now - if for no other reason than to prove that this entire scheme wasn't the machination of some mad scientist and his subordinates, (all with IQs of 3), to rig the elections using a scheme that results in their getting caught thousands of times and then trying to vote under all of the false names."

The well has been poisoned.