Thursday, October 16, 2008

Obama’s Siren Song: U.S.A. on the Rocks

"My hope is that the American people begin to see through Obama’s smoothness and start to glimpse a deeply dangerous deceiver – one whose promises are designed to blunt serious challenges and inquiry, like his debate remarks concerning offshore drilling. Any serious student of the role played by energy in the complex world economy would quickly, even instinctively, recognize that all available sources of oil simply must be explored, even while new alternatives to petroleum are developed. An uncritical listener to Obama at the third debate might think that the Democratic candidate recognized the need to drill in the outer continental shelf – but a closer examination reveals that that is not what he said. What he said was “we need to look at” offshore drilling. What he really wants to do is to strip existing energy companies of the financial resources to experiment with new technologies and instead construct an enormous government program that would provide grants to fund research projects – an infinitely slower and less efficient way of promoting innovation and progress."