Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Mother’s Birth Certificate...And Obama’s

"While Obama’s camp submitted a supposedly authentic birth certificate to the far-left blog Daily Kos, it was found to have been a photo-shopped version of the birth certificate of his half-sister, who was actually born in Hawaii, as Obama claims he was.

"While this glaring omission in Obama’s eligibility to become the most powerful man on earth mystified some and rankled others, a few people – clearly alarmed at what they considered a stealth candidate’s attempt to dance his way around the Constitution and venture into the realm of criminality– took action."

But hey, the Constitution is an piece of paper over 200 years old anyway. Who needs it? We want our black president no matter what that !@##$$$%% piece of paper says!

I PREDICT -- Obama will produce a "legal" birth certificate that states he was born in Hawaii. That will be the best birth certificate that (campaign) money can buy.