Monday, October 6, 2008


"No, my friends, the dirty little secret in the American economy is that our dollar is worthless. You don’t have to be a junior senator from Illinois to realize that our problems really began in 1913 when we turned the control of our money over to the un-constitutional Federal Reserve.

"Our money is controlled by a small cabal of bankers who have succeeded in ruining the once-powerful dollar. The Constitution is very clear. Article I Section 8 enumerates that Congress shall have the power 'To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;'

"Coin money…not print it. Coin means a piece of metal stamped and issued by the authority of a government for use as money. We have allowed the Fed to trade our gold and silver for paper and ink. Come on now, which do you think is more valuable?

"We are such lemmings. You see, prices are not going up as much as the value of the dollar is going down. 'Need more money, America? Cool…start the printer!' Can you say 700 billion? On top of the 600 billion they already spent on the bailout earlier this year."